JJ - Twentynine

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The fact that Kaden asked was absolutely adorable

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The fact that Kaden asked was absolutely adorable. He was so serious about it yet quite honest that it wouldn't be much. But I never expected or needed much.

I learned the next day that Matt had been told where I am working this summer.

"Is he still after me then, for sure?" I had to ask. Matt didn't go to our school anymore after all so I had no idea. Thomas shakes his head,

"No idea, but with the previous behavior I wouldn't put it past him." And as he says that a car strolls by the kiosk.

"Well shit." Thomas says and steps outside. I recognize the car from the new year and try to see who drives it.

"Speaking of the devil." Thomas calls out to me and I see Matt rolling down the window. I step outside and just put my arms around Thomas's waist, I feel how his body tenses up as I'm looking straight at Matt. He squints and says something to the driver.

Thomas presses his lips on top of my head, he's taller than me enough to do that and whispers, "Now you're just digging blood from our noses." 

"As long as he believes it." I say and Thomas smiles at me.

"I don't mind a little Hollywood acting in my life." I then reach out to his ear and pretend to give him a kiss while I say,

"And this is a kiss that will make you smile even wider."

"Oh yes it does." He says smiling and we hear the car turning around at the parking lot, strolling by us again.

"Ey, Thomas." The driver calls out and he just nods at the guy, holding me close with his other hand from my waist while the other is holding a cigarette.

"Mind sharing?" Thomas pretends to misunderstand and lifts the cigarette in the air,

"Last one."

"You well know he means the girl." Matt says and clicks his tongue.

"Don't be disgusting." Thomas says and spits towards the car. The driver nods, but Matt shouts back

"Remember to be protected, you might get some sort of disease from it." Thomas lets go of me so fast that I just feel a nudge and jumps next to the car, leaning to the window.

"You want to say that again?" I hear him ask. Silence. All I hear is the car engine.

"Calm down Thomas, he was just joking. Tell him you're fucking joking." I see a knife flashing in the sunlight as Matt mutters something.

"Pussy." Thomas says and chucks the butt of the still lit cigarette at Matt.

"Get the fuck out of here." Thomas says and kicks the tire.

"We're going." The driver says and the car rolls down the hill and vanishes into the distance.

I stare at Thomas for a moment. I felt that I missed something but did not stay idle to wonder about it. Instead I step inside, Thomas follows me shortly after and says,

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