Vol 1 Chapter 12

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Currently we see the Gremory peerage and Shigrakis team hiking up a mountain. Rias said they could use there mountain villa in order to train. Once they had reached the top Shigaraki explained how the next few days were gonna work.

Shigaraki: Ok so here is how this is gonna work. Kiba and Koneko you are going to be working with Toga. This is to further your athletic capabilities Akeno you will be working with Dabi. He will be working with you to further improve your magical abilities. And finally Rias you will be working with me since your P.O.D and my "Decay" are very similar. Asia will be here to heal anyone if they get injured. This training program will run from 6:00AM to 5:00PM now let's get to work.

Everyone nodded and they went off with who they were assigned to.

With Kiba, Koneko and Toga

Currently Toga was chasing after the two of them with her knives. The two of them had notable cuts and n there body. Not deep enough to be fatal but enough to cause them harm.

Kiba: (she's fast! It seems like she's constantly adjusting to our movements)

She then cut Koneko on her arm and drew some blood from her. She then licked the blood and to the shock of the two of them she started to transform into Koneko.

Toga: You see I have the special ability to transform into someone once I drink there blood. The duration depends on how much blood I drank.

She then started to charge at the two of them. The both of them had their work cut count for them.....

With Dabi and Akeno

Akeno was doing her best to dodge Dabis fire, however she was notably slowing down. She had notable burn marks along her body. Suddenly Dabi came from behind her and hit her right in the back.

Dabi: Vanishing Fist!

He sent her flying a few feet. However she wasn't going to give up. Rias had been there for her she had saved her. So she was going to pay back the favor.

With Rias and Shigaraki

Currently, the two of them weren't fighting. The two of them were just waiting for the other to make the first move

Shigaraki: Look I'm gonna be honest your P.O.D is what holding you back

Rias: What do you mean?

Shigaraki: Let me put it like this. When you fire it it's not condensed, which impacts its overall power. So instead try condensing the blast to make it more deadly.

Rias was completely shocked not because he was wrong but that the fact he was right. Ever since she started using it she fired it off all half hazard. But if she condensed it down. She would be able to cause more damage to her opponents.

Shigaraki: Okay now I want you to aim at those trees over there and try to do what I told you.

Rias nodded at him she was no more determined than ever.


And with that the first day of training is over. Everyone in Rias peerage was exhausted. Asia was going around to everyone and healing there injuries. Inside the Villa the three fallen were making dinner for the group. They had decided to become some sort of maids for Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Now from what I have heard you all have done a great first day of training. But don't think this means you can slack off. These next few days will probably the most training you have ever been put through.

Everyone nodded at his word they k we if they had any hope of winning they had to trust him. And so for the next few days they followed the same trading regiment. They improved they were able to hold there own for longer and some times gain the upper hand.


Shigaraki was walking through the halls of the villa when he saw Ross sitting on a chair on the balcony. She was wearing a pair of glasses and was wearing a light purple nightgown. She then noticed him and motioned him to come over.

Rias: Thank you Shigaraki for everything. I am still worried however for this fight. The Phenex household is known for their regenerative capabilities. It is said to be so powerful they are considered as immortal. If we aren't able to find a way to counter that then all of this will be for nothing. What kind of King will I be if I can't accomplish anything

She started to cry but was quickly stopped when Shigaraki hugged her. She started to blush but then reciprocated the hug he then backed off and said

Shigaraki: While yes it is true they have immense regenerative abilities that doesn't mean they are immortal. Think about like this they can heal any physical wound they can't heal mental ones. All that damage you do will slowly add up over time. You just need to knock him down enough to where he can't fight. And as for you as a king. While I've only known you for a month you have shown me how capable you are as a leader. Your teammates trust you and believe in you. Your dreams are there's and viceversa.

Rias then did something surprised Shigaraki she kissed him on the lips before immediately pulling away.

Rias: Thank you Shigaraki you really know what to say

She then walked away presumably to her room. Shigaraki then chuckled to himself thinking of how far he has come. To once being a bratty man child to becoming a symbol of fear and inspiring others. To becoming a become of hope for those in need. He then looked toward the moon and said

Shigaraki: If only you could see me now........ Midoria......

The day of the rating game had arrived. Shigaraki was offered to watch the game in the student council office but he had declined saying he had something important to attend to. At first they were sadden with the news but he reassured them that could go ok

He then activated "Warp gate" teleported to Kyoto. To be specific Takamagahara when he arrived he was greeted by a beautiful women. She was none other than the Goddess of the Sun Amaterasu. She was also a mother figure to him.

Amaterasu: My it's been quite awhile hasn't it?

Shigaraki: Yes it has........Mother....

I know I just said it may be a while until I upload again, but I've been having this weird feeling to keep doing this. I'm not trying to trick everyone. I honestly thought I was going to take a break, but I've had this sudden rush to type more. Also I'm gonna address the elephant in the room. "wOw YoU Didn'T foLloW CanON" yes I didn't I want to try something new instead of hitting the same story beats. If I had to guess I would say season one has maybe 5-8 chapters left

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