The Coma

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"Wake up Wake up Toby its your birthday!" Were the first words of my sister that day.
"Becca go away I'm sleeping" Or I was at least trying to.
"Okay okay fine but don't come crying to me when you miss out on everything" It sounded like she was judging me, wouldn't be a surprise though.
"Wait what do you mean by everything!?" She sounds suspicious but for once I'm concerned. She shrugs her shoulders and leaves, I'm left staring at my ceiling in silence
'What does she mean by Everything'.
I decide to go downstairs, everyone's missing.
"Hello?" I wonder where they went, maybe they're all hiding or went out to get some fresh air. No no one out here either.
"Oh there you are"
"Oh Hi Toby don't realise you were awake" Eliza my stepmum, she doesn't really like being called mum so I call her by her name.
"Eliza what are you doing in the field in weather like this!" It's practically snowing outside but she is wearing shorts and a vest like she's boiling she looks like a crazy woman, to be honest with you she is but shes kind so it doesn't bother me much.
"I was just feeding the cows" She sounds concerned.
"There aren't any cows out here" She's looking scared now.
"Oh really, yeah there isn't, let's go inside it's a bit chilly out here" So now she feels cold. Inside there are now suddenly decorations everywhere like they just walked by themselves and put themselves up.
"What is this" I just wanna go back to my room.
"This Toby is everything" Becca appeared but she seems more excited than me even though it isn't about her.
"So, this is it huh" I know that sounds rude but it was kinda meant to be rude.
"Well you can go outside with Becca if you wish it would give me some time to get everything else ready." Eliza seems to be panicking now.
"Are you okay Eliza" I am a bit jumpy today and don't know why but I seem to be matching her energy.
"Yes Yes everything fine I'm fine you're fine Becca is fine we're all fine" Well she didn't seem fine. Everything suddenly disappears,
'What is up with this house' There doesn't seem to be a house any more just an empty void filed with echoes of voices screaming my name and crying.
"Is anyone there" I didn't expect a response I don't even know why I asked at all. The dogs are getting louder, The void is becoming a light filled room.
"Wake up Wake up Toby please Wake up!" That voice I recognise it it's Becca.
"I'm awake what's wrong" I'm in a hospital room with Becca and Eliza there's a man in a blue gown in the corner watching his eyes are wide they look like the void.
"Why am I in a hospital" I need to know so why not ask.
"Well the truth is you've been in a coma for three months you've been here for a long time, you've missed everything" Eliza sounds sad and worried.
I lay once again staring at the ceiling this time in a hospital
'What does she mean by everything'
I know this isn't like my usual stories but I hope you enjoy it anyway
Big credits to my bestie for all the help and support she gave me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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