Ginny X Reader

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The rain fell ceaselessly, beating against the roof of the decrepit motel. Each droplet seemed to carry a sense of gloom, transforming the landscape outside into darkness and uncertainty. Ginny sat on the edge of the bed, tracing designs on the fading duvet. Lou sat in an old recliner across the room, the blue light from the screen casting odd shadows on his face.

Ginny exhaled gently, her eyes riveted on the flickering screen. Lou's harsh voice echoed around the room, a continual reminder of his presence. She had become accustomed to his dismissive attitude and lack of comprehension regarding her passions and interests. But, despite his flaws, she couldn't shake the sense of loneliness that seemed to hang over her like a heavy blanket.

Y/N had arrived at the motel a few days earlier, looking for shelter from the storm while on a solo road trip. They were drawn to Ginny from the minute they met her and Lou—a vulnerability beneath her strong appearance, a need for connection that mirrored their own.

As the night wore on, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. They watched from across the room as Lou's sharp words cut through the air like a knife, each one sending a shiver down Ginny's spine. Y/N's heart ached for her, yearning to offer comfort in the face of such callousness.

Unable to remain silent any longer, Y/N cleared their throat, diverting Lou's focus away from the television screen. "Is everything okay?" they said, their voice full of concern.

Lou gave them a disapproving glance before returning to Ginny. "Your new friend seems awfully nosy," he mumbled, his words tinged with dislike.

Ginny mustered a feeble grin, but Y/N could see the fear in her eyes, a quiet plea for assistance that went unanswered.

The storm outside intensified with each passing hour, the wind screaming like a wounded animal. Ginny curled up on the bed, her knees hugged to her chest, as Lou continued to drink himself to death, his snoring filling the room like a cacophony of unfulfilled promises.

Y/N couldn't bear seeing Ginny in such distress. They crossed the room and sat beside her without hesitation, their presence providing silent reassurance in the darkness.

"Hey," they whispered softly, reaching out and lightly touching Ginny's arm. "You don't need to be terrified. "I am here." 

Ginny looked up, her eyes filled with unshed tears. "I know," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Something changed between them at that moment—a wordless understanding that went beyond words. Y/N felt a strong protective bond with Ginny that they couldn't quite define, like a tidal wave of emotion.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, a startling knock on the door broke the unnerving calm of the motel room. Lou mumbled as he stood up to respond, but his displeasure changed to panic when a man entered the room, carrying a knife. 

In the chaos that ensued, Y/N's instincts kicked in. They lunged at the attacker, grappling with him until Lou was apprehended and shanked, but Y/N arrived too late, even after knocking the attacker out and hurling him down the corridor.

Ginny, frightened but unharmed, glanced at Y/N with wide eyes of gratitude and horror. Something changed between them at that point—a wordless understanding that transcended language.

As Lou fell unconscious on the floor, Y/N came closer to Ginny and placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" they inquired softly, anxiety engraved into every syllable. 

Ginny nodded as tears welled up in her eyes. "Thank you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Following the incident, Y/N remained by Ginny's side, providing her with a sense of security and companionship she had never experienced before. They talked late into the night, swapping stories and secrets while the storm raged outside.

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