Sanju's first 💋💋💋

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In the early morning, Bhargav gently nudged Sanju awake with an air of excitement. "Get ready sweetheart, we're going to be late," he said, his eyes shining with the anticipation of sharing the day ahead with her. Sanju's heart leaped with joy, as she showered and got dressed in a saree. Their visit to the temple was filled with a serene happiness. Sanju's face reflected her devotion and joy evident in her every smile and prayer. After returning to their room, they enjoyed a quick breakfast together before setting out to explore the sights around the estate.

As they wandered through the coffee and tea estate, the lush greenery and the scent of blossoms in the air enveloped them in a world away from the world, a sanctuary of their own. Later on they chose a boat ride across the serene lake which evolved into a deeply romantic escapade, filled with unspoken emotions. As they peddled effortlessly over the calm waters, Bhargav reached out, tenderly wrapping Sanju's hand within his own, a comforting warmth radiating from his touch. Bhargav's fingers delicately explored the contours of her palm and he brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle, affectionate kiss. Sanju felt a thrilling sensation cascade down her spine as she was caught in the moment, overwhelmed by a blend of surprise, tenderness, shyness.

It was on their way back from the boat ride to the room that Sanju's eyes caught the gleam of the private waterfalls hidden within the estate. Her excitement was palpable, a burst of pure, unadulterated joy. She looked at Bhargav seemingly asking him if its ok to go in the water... Bhargav, captivated by her enthusiasm, nodded, a silent gesture that unleashed her delight fully. She dashed into the water as she secured the end of her pallu at her waist. She waded through the shallow knee length water and stood beneath the cascading falls dancing blissfully. Bhargav watched, spellbound by the sight of her, the way the water caressed her, the way her saree clung to her form like second skin, revealing the curves of her bosom, the graceful lines of her waist. Every drop of water that traced her skin seemed to ignite a fire within him, a desire so intense it threatened to consume him whole.

As Sanju surrendered to the sensations of water cascading down her body, closing her eyes to let the waterfall envelop her, Bhargav moved closer, drawn by a force he could no longer resist. The moment he pulled her close, feeling the cool water against his skin, the warmth of her waist under his touch, and the softness of her breast against his hard chest, the world around them faded. As he was staring at Sanju with a look so intense that it could ignite flames in the depths of her soul, she opened her eyes as she felt an undeniable warmth spreading through her, as if his gaze alone had the power to affirm her very existence and kindle a fire that could not be extinguished.

Driven by a passion ignited by his deep love for Sanju and intensified by lust, Bhargav cupped her face in his hand, pulling her near until their foreheads touched. Locked in her gaze, his breath slowed and deepened, overwhelmed by the moment, Bhargav could no longer restrain himself and smashed his lips against hers. It was a kiss of a lifetime, of claiming the unclaimed, intense and raw in its honesty. Sanju, totally surprised tensed in his embrace. The shock of her first kiss and innocence rendered her totally frozen. But as Bhargav's emotions poured into the kiss, his love and desire enveloping her, Sanju found herself melting into him, her initial surprise giving way to a deep, instinctual response. She relaxed into his embrace, allowing the moment to carry them beyond the constraints of time and place.

Together, beneath the waterfall, they explored this new dimensions of their relationship. It was a moment of unguarded intense intimacy, a love that had found its true expression in the heart of nature's splendor. After their unforgettable kiss beneath the waterfall ended, Sanju, overwhelmed by shyness, ran away from Bhargav. Her sudden dash across the estate was almost comical, as she seemed unsure of which way to head, her damp saree fluttering and forming waves in the air behind her as she hurried along. Bhargav, unable to contain his amusement, chased after her, a broad smile gracing his face amidst the laughter that bubbled up from his chest.

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