Riding Lesson 4/10/24

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Today I rode Lumpy. He's a palomino American Quarter Horse and don't even ask about his name heh-

We kinda just did some walking, trotting, and cantering honestly. For once, I'm not really excited about next week's lesson because my instructor hinted at doing some Western stuff, which I sometimes get annoyed at, since I really want to learn how to jump/be able to jump more, but I ride with two Western people, so I never get to do any of that stuff except for maybe at summer camp if one of the more advanced riders is doing a little jumping. So... yeah. And most of the time, Western stuff is pretty fun. Barrels, poles, ranch riding patterns, trail courses, et cetera. But my instructor basically said she was going to teach one of the other girls how to ride one-handed.

WHEN WILL THAT HELP MY JUMPING CAREER- okay yes I'm absolutely overreacting I know.

Uhhhh so that was my daily rant session. Um. Lumpy was in the back of his pasture. He's shedding right now, so his coat is splotches of golden and cream colors, and it's... interesting. He's a really pretty palomino, but in the winter he turns into a fluffy ball of vanilla ice cream. I tacked him up, brought him out, and literally was walking half the lesson since my instructor made us all canter separately. So. Yeah. Bye. See ya Monday.

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