I own you (Rahul x Shreyas) (part 2)

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Okay, I really want you guys to repeat your' requests in this chapter. I really can't make out which one I've made and which one I haven't. So please request once again here.

Let's dive back to the story..

Shreyas figured out somehow that Rahul was going to a restaurant with his sister on a Sunday. So he told jassi about it and the latter agreed on whatever plan it was.

And soon Sunday came.

Once Shreyas figured out that Rahul had already left, he started tracking his phone number. Then got ready, pulled jassi out from his room and sat in their car. They saw that Rahul and his sister stopped on a famous restaurant,, quite expensive. So Shreyas drove by that restaurant.

(Le surya : what is going on between these two?
Me : why do you need to know?
Surya : no one loves me to tell me what they're doing
Me : I DO!
Surya : huh?
Me : nevermind)

Shreyas was going to enter the restaurant and suddenly he remembered something. He pulled jassi to him and held his hand, not that style, with fingers. He interlocked both of their fingers as jassi smirked inside knowing how much Rahul would burn, because once upon a time jassi and Rahul were roommates. And our Boom Boom had heart Rahul take Shreyas' name in his sleep. No idea what dream he was seeing.

Shreyas plastered a fake smile and clinged close to jassi and entered. Once they entered, Shreyas' mischievous eyes looked around for in search of Rahul. And he found him. But the worst part was. Both their eyes met together. Shreyas quickly diverted his contact and looked at jassi with a smile.

"Where do you think we should sit?"

Jassi knew how to play along. Shreyas is just like a little brother to him. And he won't handle the embarrassment given my Rahul to his little bro.

He held Shreyas by his waist and pulled up, so much so, that Shreyas collided with his chest.

"Oh holy Jesus."

Shreyas mumbled.

"What do you think about that seat baby?"

And next jassi dragged him. Shreyas didn't even know when he was sitting right next to the table of Rahul.

Jassi looked here and there trying to find something. He called a waiter and asked,

"Can I get a pen please?"

The waiter nodded with a frown and got him a pen. He took a tissue and scribbled something on it before handling it to Shreyas.

Shreyas read it. There was written,

Always talk loudly. Make sure they hear you. And don't do anything stupid. Just follow whatever I'll do. I'll handle everything. You focus on yourself."

Shreyas looked up and nodded. He could feel the fiery eyes of someone on him, but he decided to ignore it.

And jassi called for the waiter again.

"Yes sir, what'd you like to take?"

"I'll just take a chocolate milkshake please, and whatever my love will want to take."

Shreyas eyes widened as a red tint appeared on his cheeks. No one has ever called him like that so it was obvious.

"I-I just a-a."

He stopped fumbling when he saw the glare jassi was giving him. He'd surely ruin the plan.

Shreyas gulped and said

"Please get me a oreo shake."

"Will that be all?"

"We'll call you if we need anything else."

Jassi smiled at the waiter as he nodded and went away.

Jassi said something with his eyes to Shreyas to which Shreyas didn't understand anything. Jassi held his hand in front. Shreyas understood what he had to do. He gave his hand to jassi as jassi planted a kiss on it.

A shiver ran down Shreyas' spine. Are they making someone jealous or getting into a relationship?

He looked at Rahul with his side eye, and once he understood that Rahul's whole attention was on their table, he smirked in victory and thought about saying something sweet to his fake boyfriend.

"Thank you Boom boom. You made me happy again after I was sad because of a particular someone."

Jassi smiled leaning in.

Shreyas widened his eyes and mouthed,


Jassi gave a sign of assurance with his eyes as Shreyas gulped and leaned in too. But before anything would have happened, Shreyas felt someone pushed him away. He looked up to see Rahul looking at jassi with burning eyes. Rahul had pointed his index finger right at jassi's chest. He was looking like a demon.

"Don't. You. Dare."

Jassi played along this time too, though he knows that Rahul his angry right now.

"What is your problem? I can do whatever I want with him."

"You can't."

Shreyas stood up.

"Stop it Rahul!"

Rahul looked at him and smiled like a psychopath.

"I rejected you so you held onto him? Hm? Do you really like any one of us or you're just a slut? Huh? Or a better word? Gold digger? Cause we have a lot of gold to dig."

Shreyas couldn't believe his ears. How can Rahul say these things?

"What Shreyas? Desperate for love?"

A loud sound echoed through the whole restaurent having Shreyas slapped rahul hard. Rahul's face was struck to a side. Shreyas had tears streaming down his face.

"Go fuck yourself."

He cursed before storming out...

Now you guys will again have to wait for a part 3🤭

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