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Mark was early for school on Monday. His weekend had been eventful, and all the shorter for it. He couldn't get everything Donghyuck had said out of his mind, and it plagued his sleep and his daydreams irritatingly. He was never one to delve too deep into other people's lives, for it didn't concern him. And yet he had the niggling feeling that he'd been forcefully pulled into the clockwork of this hellhole of a school, and no amount of struggling would free him.

He accidentally slammed his books down on his desk for geography, having lost control of them on the way down. Unfortunately, Mr. Lee, or Jeno, was at his desk and looked up through glasses that annoyingly enhanced his good looks.

"Something wrong? Hate the class that much?" The man teased and looked back to what he'd been reading. Mark fought the heat rising to his cheeks and sat down as quietly as possible. "No, Sir. Forgot my own strength..."

"Blow off some energy in P.E later, and basketball," he smiled faintly and drew his glasses down off his nose and folded them between delicate fingers. "How are you finding it? School here."

"It's..." Mark swallowed thickly and cursed himself for not preparing for a conversation. Knowing this guy was sleeping with Jaemin and Renjun made it so much harder to look him in the eye. So he feigned indifference and eyed a poster on weather conditions instead. "It's different. Korea is different."

"So I've heard. Has Chenle been helpful? I recommended him for you, actually," he tilted his head. His eyes are scary, the student inwardly panicked. He hated accidentally finding more where he hoped to find nothing.

"He's great. Really good at basketball too." Please be nine o'clock soon. Oh my God.

Jeno sat back and narrowed his gaze, something like realisation starting to form and his lips curved into a smile that sent chills down Mark's spine. But the whole expression changed into disarming and pleasant as soon as students started to enter, sharing a few 'good morning, sir's before taking their seats.

Things were back to normal.

"Hello Stranger," Donghyuck wandered in and sat beside him, flopping down and stretching out his arm like it was causing him grief.

"Hi. All good?"

"Yeah. Slept funny though," he hummed and went still before grabbing his notebook and pens. "How was the rest of your weekend?"

"Same old." Mark couldn't focus at all on the light chat with his mind reeling over Jeno's earlier expression. Some type of fear was sitting inside him now, perhaps about whether he knew that Mark knew that he was sleeping with students. But he couldn't have. So what was with that face?

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now