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(Evelyn's POV) 

I stood, towering over Mateo's dead body, drenched in blood. My eyes were wide, my jaw was agape, and my heart was pounding out of my chest. I couldn't believe it. I had just killed a man, and I felt... Powerful. I didn't feel regret, or sadness, or grief, or disgust, or disappointment, I felt empowered. I felt bloodthirsty. I collapsed onto my knees in a fit of tears and laughter, gripping the sides of my face as I felt the warm blood under my legs. The knife was still lunged into his neck, and he looked like a scene from a scary movie. Eyes bulging out of his skull, blood dripping out of his open mouth, his entire upper body covered in blood and blood pooling under him. 

It didn't phase me. It didn't disgust me. I felt more and more ravenous, like I had an unquenchable need to do it again. All I could think about was how it felt when I stabbed him, and how I could feel his bones crackle at the sharpness of the blade and the wet squelching sound his throat made when I cut through it. I stood up shakily, staring over his body one last time. 

I heard a series of enthusiastic claps behind me and turned around to see Roman, clapping his hands together and grinning from ear to ear. 

He stared me down and took note of my bloodied, disheveled self. "That was excellent. You are excellent." 

I stared up at him, panting. "Wh-Why do I feel like this?" 

"You are feeling the glory of power, my rabbit." He explained, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me into him. Suddenly, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He gripped my thigh and ran his hands all over me. 

I moaned into his touch and rested my head into the crook of his neck, breathing softly against his skin. He continued exploring me, cupping my ass in his hands. I was overwhelmed with confusing feelings of pleasure, hunger, anger. I needed to find a way to release my feelings, and I needed to find it fast. I nibbled the skin of his neck between my teeth, emitting a desperate groan from him. He pulled me against him harder, and I could feel his bulge between my thighs. 

I moved my hips against him, desperate for more. He put me down and pulled my shirt off, doing the same with my pants. I attempted to take his shirt off, as well, but I couldn't reach his head, so he assisted me in doing so. Once we were both almost fully nude, he pushed me against the wall and I shivered when I felt the cold concrete against my heated skin. 

He grabbed my hand and placed it against his bulge, and I wrapped my fingers against him through the thin fabric of his boxers. He groaned and placed his hand against mine, guiding my movements. "Keep going, you're doing so good," 

I could tell that the blood from my hands was staining his boxers, because he lifted my hand to his lips and licked the blood off of my fingers. I gasped at the feeling of his wet tongue, and he smirked against my hand. 

Suddenly, he freed his cock from his boxers and slid my underwear to the side, positioning himself at my entrance. He used his hand to push my head against the wall, and used his other hand to rub his cock up and down my pussy lips. I whined out and arched my back against him, pleading for him to enter me. He pushed himself inside slowly, his cock enveloped by my warmth. We moaned simultaneously, his hips bucking against me. 

"You're so filthy." He groaned, his hands roaming around my torso and spreading the blood everywhere. 

I could only grind my hips against him, and listen as the room echoes with the sound of skin slapping and the cacophany of our moans of pleasure. I was in pure bliss in that moment, but I knew with no doubt that I would regret every single thing that went on in this room today. 

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