Chapter 1 - Magic

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I spit the word at my so-called mother, sneering each syllable with hate.

I despise magic.

A red shash sweeps across her narrow hips, she is one of the few able to wield immense levels of energy. All ranks and classifications are give colour. Red is nearly the highest.

A high rank they call my mother.

Father stabs his fork into the oak table, sending his plate flying toward the wooden floor. His bushy brows raise, lips pressing tightly shut. "Excuse me Casey, your mother is only trying to help."

"I don't want to be a Mage."

He stands, his blue robe barely holding together beneath his burly form. Bakai they call him, a body manipulator. He is capable of shutting down the bodies systems, even force a person to bid to his will.

His lips twitch, clean shaven face ashen. "I wouldn't start with this again Casey, you have to take those trials."

"Do I, I don't even want magic." My hands slam across the table, sending shooting pain up my wiry arms. I have never wanted magic, never wanted to compete with others like me.

Children of Mages.

You aren't born with magic, no the trials have to judge you.

Mother strides across the kitchen, drawing a small envelope from the top cupboard. I tear through the flimsy paper, gagging at the words before me.

"We received it this morning honey," she whispers. Something flashes deeper inside her charcoal eyes, certainly not pain. "We thought after your twenty-fifth you would want to take them."

The trials.

"Never." I tear the paper up, standing to toss the strands into the roaring fire. "I am leaving, I wouldn't bother calling me for dinner tomorrow."

"Casey. We need more women."

"Kaitlyn is ready, ask her."

Mum sighs, her hands tearing through black curls. "She has already entered, they asked for more-"

My hands tighten into fists, the warm room seems to still. "Don't you dare, I am an adult. You can't force me into the trials mum. Nor can you dad."

He raises his hands in defeat. "Sorry kid, you've been registered."

"God, I hate you both."

The door slams behind, my chest heaving as I step into the cool rain. Night seeps across the sky, dark splotches tearing at the fading blues and purples. Blue lanterns flicker with magic, the current pulsing inside the towering metal poles.

It's everywhere.

Phones, cars, even in basic machines like toasters.

They all use magic, and have become too dependent on the bloody thing. I flick out my hand, cursing at the taxi chips the curb. The battered yellow hunk swerves, pulling into a halt.

"Thanks," I mutter.

"Casey. What are you doing out here, did you see your parents?"

Asshat number one, Liam Dafte.

Low energy manipulator.

My lips tug upwards, Liam's greasy curls toppling over his olive forehead. Wiry hands tug at the wheels, sending the car over yet another curb. "Yeah the pricks put my name in for the trials."

He gasps, the car slicing across the narrow street. Someone screams, their body lurching forward a little too quickly.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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