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F*ck you and ravage your little c*nt...

Jennie's face has been hot for the entire afternoon, thinking of Taehyung's promise. At the same time she is excited for tonight.

Taehyung was still very busy the entire afternoon, there was basically no time to accompany her. So she stayed in his office, playing games in her phone and just kept quiet and out of the way.

"Hungry?" Taehyung came over to check on her when he took a little break.

"I'm not hungry, I ate lunch at noon." Taehyung rubbed the tip of her nose and smiled at her, "There are desserts in the pantry, if you got hungry, you can serve it yourself.


Taehyung didn't leave immediately but continued talking, "It's fuffy, soft, sweet and glutinous. It's the taste that you love to eat, you have tasted it before."

Is he implying something?

Jennie guessed it and walked over with suspicion. Before she could see the dessert, another person walked in behind and locked the door.

Immediately afterwards, Jennie was hugged from behind. "What?" Jennie turned to ask him.

"Jen, I'm thirsty." Taehyung's voice is slightly muted.

"You drink water when you are thirsy, is it necessary for you to ask my permission?"

"Ordinary water can't quench my thirst."

"Then you have to..."

Taehyung opened her skirt and knelt down on his knees and said seriously, "I like to drink Jen's honey juices."

"Ah~no..." Jennie who said no at first, but at the end still let him do what he wants.

But this process didn't take long, Taehyung's phone rang and there is another job waiting for him outside. He is disappointed but he could only fix Jennie's skirt and leave.

Jennie is also not satisfied.

It's very uncomfortable.

It's annoying.

She pouted and went back to Taehyung's office and continued to review her notes.

Her grades were not good, but she can't neglect it just because of her new relationship. Love is something that can make people better and strive for success.

In the evening, Taehyung is still busy and only drop by to kiss her and went out to do errands. She ate dinner alone and continued to review her notes, waved to Taehyung when he come back.

Taehyung saw it and walked towards her, then kissed her and went out again.

Today is really hectic.

It's messy and frizzy, but Jennie still feels sweet.

She secretly drop by Taehyung's company and disturbed him, but Taehyung still happy with her unannounced presence. Even when he is too busy to eat, Taehyung would come over and give her a kiss. This is enough to show that her boyfriend treats her sincerely.

Jennie thought that in the future they will still be together until the end.

Jennie continued to review her notes, then fell asleep on the table. Taehyung saw that she was asleep, put down what he is holding and carried her to the bed in his office other room.


"Hey, go to sleep, I'm going to be very late." "Um... OK..." Jennie let herself go back to sleep. Anyway, Taehyung is here and she can always feel at ease.

Then in the middle of the night, she was woken up by a thick c*ck entering her p*ssy.

Jennie instinctively knew the familiar figure and scent of Taehyung without opening her eyes.

She stretched out her hand and pushed him, and wanted to turn around, still muttering, "Don't make trouble..."

Taehyung unceremoniously grazed into her G-spot, removing the sleepiness in her body, "Is my baby awake?"

Jennie woke up instantly and cried.

It is really uncomfortable to be awakened by a thick c*ck, obviously my mind is still sleepy but my body is responding to his movements.

"Woo... pull it out... you pull it out..."

Taehyung not only didn't pull out, but also pressed deeper, "Pull it out? Jen, did you forgot what you promised me?" Jennie denied, "I didn't promise anything..."

Taehyung smile and raised his hands, then pulled out his c*ck and picked her up.

"Ah~ Where are you going?" "Change place." Taehyung said, then carried her in front of the spacious and bright floor to ceiling window in his office. The city was brightly lit at night and here is the city center, that even at night, it is still very busy.

This is still a high level building, from her perspective, she can see the panoramic view of the night here.

Jennie is pressed onto the carpet, her cheek is touching the soft fur. There was no light in the office, but the bright night in the city is in front of her.

"Lift up, I'll f*ck you here."

"Ah~" before Jennie could answer, Taehyung's huge and hot c*ck had already entered.

Jennie's p*ssy is filled with heat instantly.

✔I Want To F*** You [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now