Chapter One

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"Olivia, come downstairs please! We have someone we'd like you to meet." My mother calls from downstairs. Today my parents were throwing this 'party,' in celebration of their new bakery place opening. She's invited the employees, and their families. So, I'm guessing she wants me to meet one of the employees.

Don't get me wrong, my mother is no fool. She knows exactly how I am; new bow every two weeks or so. Therefore, I'm going to go out on a limb to say that he's one: attractive, and two: around my age. You could say I'm picky when it comes to boys. I have to at least find them cute, they've got to be tall, older than me, and they have to be strong emotionally; because I will break them. My mother is perfectly aware of all of this. Commitment just isn't my thing, you know? I get bored easily, so I always need something new to hold my attention.

"I'll be down in five, mom." I call back, striding over to the mirror. Wearing black high-wasted shorts with my white t-shirt tucked in, I decide to slip on my pair of black toms. Though it is my house, it would be weird to just show up down stairs at a party barefoot.

Satisfied with my outfit, I glance at my makeup. I'm not a fan of the caked look, so I settle with some eyeliner and mascara. Touching it up, I spray on some perfume and head downstairs, leaving my scent lingering in my room.

"Olivia, darling, this is Aaron. He'll be working in the new bakery." Damn, was I right. For anyone out there who doesn't already know this; mother knows best.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you, Aaron." I flash him a smile as I reach out to shake his hand.

"The pleasure's all mine." Hm, he's got a nice smile. Well done, mom.

"So you're a baker, yeah?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Talking to people was more or less my specialty, if you couldn't of already guessed that.

"Uh, yeah. I enjoy it, and it's good money." I nod my head in agreement, and turn to my mother.

"Does Aaron already know that we'll be working together?" I smirk in her direction, knowing she hasn't already told him.

"Uh, no I didn't. I'm guessing that's why she wanted us to meet then." He laughs, nervously twiddling his thumbs.

"Yeah, you wouldn't mind if we exchanged numbers would you? New friends are always a pleasure." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, swapping it with his as I entered in my number.

"By the way, how old are you? If you don't mind me asking." Handing his phone back, I laughed.

"I'll be sixteen next month, what about you?" He shouldn't be that much older than me, considering my mom was the one to introduce us.

"Seventeen in October." Forgetting my mother was still there, I saw her smile from the corner of my eye.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Aaron. However," I glanced over at my mom. "I have somewhere to be. Enjoy the rest of the party, and I hope to see you again soon." Waving 'bye,' I made my way to the front door, and stepped outside. It was a gorgeous day out, so I figured I'd walk to Jen's house instead of riding my bike. She didn't live that far away from me; maybe twenty minutes by foot? Besides, it never hurt to soak up more sun.

Sliding my hands in my back pockets, I breathe in the fresh air. Summertime in California was always really pretty. One of the many reasons why I loved it so much here.

"'Liv!" I open my eyes to the familiar voice of my best friend. Jogging the rest of the distance between us, I crush her in a hug, sending both of us tumbling to the ground.

"How was Ohio?" I ask, brushing myself off after standing back up.

"It was okay, dad was busy most of the time though. So I kind of spent my time just wondering around while he was at work, and we'd go out when he came home." Her parents had been divorced since she was little, I still remember when it happened. Jen and her mother spent a week at my house. Within that week our mom's got close, and have been best friends ever since.

"Meet any cute boys?" I say, wiggling my eyebrows. Jen wasn't as bad as me when it came to boys, but she had a little player in her.

"Actually yeah, I got his number too." She smirked, but it quickly faded as she continued. "But you know how it can't turn into anything more because im only there a week out of every month."

"Date for a week." I state, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"No," she whined. "I can't do that to him."

"Ugh, you and your feelings. Well you know what, Jen? Feelings are exactly like the weather. They're changing constantly." I shrug, grabbing a bottled water from her fridge and sitting at the island in her kitchen.

"That's your life motto isn't it?" She giggled, taking seat in front of me.

"Yes, and I happened to meet someone new too." I smirked.

"That's not a big surprise with you, Liv. Did you forget who you are?" Chuckling, I nod.

"We'll be working together." I add.


A/N: So I got this idea from someone, I forget who. They had it up in one of those plot line books, and I happened to like this one. Except they had the player as a boy, but we all know Aaron is no where near a player. If you know who I'm talking about, please mention them so I can give them credit (-:

This story will get better, give it time.

'Olivia' is played as Mia Mitchell.

'Jen' is played as Cierra Ramirez.

& Of course 'Aaron' as Aaron Carpenter (-:

If you like Crawford Collins, keep a look out for 'Broken Pieces' as he will be starring in that one. Check out 'Opposites Attract' as shawn, cameron, and a few other boys star in this one. If you like Matthew Espinosa, check out 'Accidentally In Love' ; he stars in that one. All of these can be found on my profile (-:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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