27. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏.

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I stand silently in the hall hearing everyone having a really proud chitchat. My heart is pounding in the cage of my chest making my breath uneven. I am feeling so nervous, my eyes is fixed on the bouquet in my hands.

I saw Jungkook walking towards me with a smile plasted on his lips, he stand in front of me, his eyes filled up with confusion, he chuckled and asked, "Is this bouquet for me?"

"No, it's a boy give me.", i quickly uttered seeing his wide smile disappearing from his thin pink lips, i mentally face palm myself after realising what I said, i quickly turned my back making my way towards the big room where I found unnie siting on the round couch, i sit down beside unnie.

I whined and cried grabing my hairs in frustration, her attention shifted towards me as she quickly asked with worriedness, "Did he rejected you?"

Her questioning gaze made me cry out even more louder, she again inquired, "Did he did?"

I shook my head in response with a dramatic facial expressions, she take a deep breath and asks, "Then why you're crying?"

"Hee...He saw bouquet in my hands and....", I stopped and cried, "I said a boy give me this.", I cried more louder, she grab her own hairs in frustration.

She smack my head and asked, "You became so bold in front of others, then what's now?"

I cried again louder then ever which made Jimin oppa walk inside the room with worried expression and he inquired, "What happen to her?"

"She tried to confress her feelings to Jungkook but ended up saying a boy proposed her.", Unnie said which made me hit her arm and I whispered, "When I said that?"

"Okay, sweetie what's the matter? Go and confress.", Jimin oppa said takinga seat beside me on the couch as he ruffled my hairs, "How can you think this is easy?"

"Okay, wait! I have an idea.", He whispers as an evil smrik crept on his lips, I blink my eyes innocently as he bent down on the floor and take out something from under the table, and i didn't take any time in recorizing the thing.


He nodded his head with a smirk tugged up on the corner of his pink plumpy lips, I shook my head, "Y/n, only one glass and you will be able to confress."

I again shook my head at his sentence, he pour the drink in the glass and handed me, "Drink this."

"I don't drink.", I replied when unnie pinched my cheeks saying, "Try this and I am here to handle you."

"Okay.", I took one sip and made a really weird face, "It's so bitter, how can you drink this?"

"Drink this, quickly.", i nodded and gulp down the drink from my throats, I am sure I am going to create a scene this time after drink this single glass.

---Jungkook's Perspective---


How can any boy propose her?", I asked to hyung with a pout on my lips, he patted my shoulder and silently stand up.

"SO, IT'S ME. JEON Y/N, WIFE OF JEON JUNGKOOK.", I heard Y/n's voice from the stage which made me stand up from my seat and making my way straight to the stage.

She is standing holding mic in her hands, her voice sound drunk and she held the same flower bouquet in her hands, what is she doing?


I quickly looked up hearing her words with widen eyes, as everyone's gaze fixed on me, I pressed my lips together in nervousness, "Y/n, come down."

I tried to call her but instead of she smiled widely and made her way towards me, peoples is already murmuring about us.

"OH, SEE MY HUSBAND. JUNGKOOK COME ON STAGE.", she called me forwarding her hands towards me, i chuckled before holding her hand and climbing on the stage.

Everyone's gaze is fixed on us, some is already recording our video. She hold my hand tightly and said, "I WANT TO CONFRESS."

"You want to confress?", i murmurs under my breath but when I realised I widen my eyes, she sit down on her knees and said, "I WAS SO STUPID, I WAS ABOUT TO PROPOSE YOU EARLIER BUT...BUT I WAS SCARED.

JEON JUNGKOOK, THANK YOU FOR LIGHTING MY WORLD UP AND I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.", she said forwarding the bouquet with cute innocent eyes, I hold her wrist in my iron grip making her stand up.

I take the mic from her hands, "Y/n, you're just too innocent and childish."

I grab her by her waist shameless, her body hit mine and her face hit my chest, she blink her eyes slowly and the her face held low, I can see her eyes becoming teary, I hold her chin with my hands and lift it up, "And that's why I love you."

Her gaze quickly lift up, her eyes meet with mine, "YOU LOVE ME?"

I nodded my head with a smile accepting the bouquet from her hands as I wrapped my muscular arm around her body pulling her in a tight hug, "I LOVE YOU TOO, KOOKIE."

I smiled softly, everyone started clapping for us, she shrugged her face in my chest and she softly mumbled again before she doze out, "I love you, don..don't leave me li...like Jung...hyun did."

I softly whispered near her ear, "I will never, I am not like my brother."

She smiled in her deep sleep, I pick her up on my laps in bridal style taking her towards guest room, I lay her down on the bed carefully and tug her in the warm and cosy blanket.

I closed the door after me and walk towards the party hall again, everyone started asking me questions.

Author's Note:

Hehe, sorry for late updates. Guys check out my new story, SWEET MAFIA KING'S INDIAN GIRL, i hope you will like it surely.

Till then stay healthy and stay safe.

To be continue....

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