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" You did what!?!" Apollo didn't seem pleased , at all. " We erassed his memory completly and replaced them withNico-less memories . Apollo please , forgive us but your son is awfull to controle , and all of our attention already had to go to Nico , becaus damn that boy is putting up a hell of a fight so we kinda errased his memory too." Hecate said. "You erassed their memories!?!" Now it was Hades 's time to shine ." But as already said three days in the infirmary will give them their memories back" Aphrodite fastly said while panicking becaus those two where hella powerfull together and being cursed to enternity becaus of freaking Zeus and his shit was not exectly what she had planned for the future . When all of the sudden Persephony joined the fight . " But Nico just found out about Bianca do you have any idea what he will have to go through and that all without a friend ?!" " Well , they wheren't exectly friends ." " Ow shut up! Look at what the two of you have become, godesses filling their time whit what? Ruiening a perfectly happy pair of young adults's life's ! " " Ow look at yourself . " " What was that ?" Honestly Demeter didn't have to say anything the dead glare was already enough ." She said nothing! What we are trying to say is that we didn't want this either we only do this becaus of Zeus . " " I regret nothing and I know that this is importent , you guys just don't know it yet ! Believe me this whole situation isn't really my type of fun either ." " Then explain ." " Honestly Athene if I could I would." " Let's all stop fighting and talk like we are supposed to do . " " Thank Iris I agree . " Said Hermes who for some reason decided to join the conversation . " Fine " said Apollo " talk about our sons futures , but I am out of here. " " What ?" Hecate exclaimed confused. " It's not like I have anything to say about MY SON'S FUTURE! That's right my son and future , both my things but hey let's totaly ignore the most awsome god who know about it most!" " Apollo please ." " No shut up
You guys are smelly asses
I'm to angry to make a haiku
I hate you all , fuckers"
" Wow that is the best haiku he ever made . " Said Artemis " come on bro let's kill shit or something " " They are finally bonding!" Said an exiting Iris . " Come to my place we'll play some ancient board games . " Said Hades while Persephone smiles kindly . " Sure whatever get's me out of here." And with that the four of 'em left . " Well I geus this is over then? " " I wish it was , Athena , but this is far from over but for now we can let this rest for a while , I hope." " Don't worry Zeus everything will be fine , here have cookie . " " Thanks Iris . " Guh I hate those .

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