Chapter 3: The Prommening

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Note: Sorry this chapter took a while irl stuff made it hard to have time to write this chapter up and this was also the only chapter I hadn't planned out. Also since this is an au characters might act a certain way their canon version wouldn't act like and have different motives.

10 minutes later L and Uzi would be at a bunker door. "Alright we're here" Uzi would tell L.
"You sure you're alright with letting them in?" L would ask concerned "You might get in trouble." "I'll be fine" Uzi would knock on the door and someone would open the bunker door slightly to see who's there "Uzi?" "Oh you got to be. UGH hey dad."  Uzi would say mad that her dad had to be the one to respond

"Wait Uzi, this is your dad?" "Yes this is my dad." "Uzi, this is a new friend of yours?" "Yup my name is L. Nice to meet you." L would show his hand for a handshake. "My name is Khan Doorman. Nice to meet you L." Khan would shake his hand.

"Hey dad, I need to ask you for a favour."
"What is it kiddo?" "Is it alright if we let them in?" Uzi would point to N, J and V who are still chained up and aren't offline anymore. Khan would have a look of surprise "Uzi you're trying to get the murder drones into here?!"

"Wait khan I was the one who brought them here we have nowhere to go except here so please let them in! And don't worry they're chained up so they won't get out." L would be trying to convince Khan but Khan is refusing to let them in. "Uzi i'm fine with letting you in but your friend and the murder drones aren't allowed." "BUT DAD!" "I'm sorry but I can't let them in." "You know what fine I'll just stay out here with them then!" Khan would give a sad expression and fully close the bunker door.

The D-drones would be watching this with N feeling bad for Uzi while V and J would be laughing at her. "Someone's got daddy issues." J would say mocking Uzi. "BITE ME!" "You know what if they won't let us in then we just have to force ourselves in." "And how do you suppose we do that L." Uzi would ask L, still mad about what happened. "This is how we'll get in."

L would create 2 Railguns and would fire them at the door making a big hole for them to get in. "Sorry about the door but you left us with no choice." L and Uzi would go through the hole with L dragging the chained up D-drones. Khan would be standing there scared after what happened. "Relax, we're not going to kill ya." L would say reassuring him that they're not here for trouble.

L and Uzi would go deeper into the bunker until they make it to where the colony is. All the drones there would have different reactions to L with some of them think he looks badass while others are a bit scared of him since compared to the worker drones L is much taller and bigger than them.

Uzi would give L a tour of the bunker showing him where everyone's rooms are, where the school is, and everything else until they got to Uzi's room. "This is my room." "Is this where we'll keep them?" L would ask Uzi. Uzi would tell him no and that there should be a room L and the D-drones can use.

Uzi would try to find a room L can use and luckily they have an extra room that has a bedroom, kitchen, a closet, a small living room and a bathroom. "HEY L I FOUND A SPOT FOR YOU!" L would go over to see his new room. It would have a couch, a Tv , a drawer, a work bench, a bed and other furniture that a normal household would have. "I'm surprised it has all this considering no one is living here." L would say.

"People have been going missing lately. I'm sure you have seen the posters on our tour so there's been some rooms we can use with stuff already in them." Uzi would explain. "Has anyone found out why?" "No, nobody knows why they have. Anyways i'll let you get settled in with those 3 i'm going to my room now you know where it is right?" "Yeah I know where it is." Uzi would head out. L would go in and put N, J, and V in the bedroom on the bed. "Guys I want to ask you guys a question." L would say.

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