Stakes are High

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((Tiny disclaimer here before ya read on! This story will have elements that will and will not be accurate to the Dark Deception game nor it's Mascot Mayhem level. There will be other small things I add in myself for the story. So, enjoy and have a joy joy time!))


Entering the portal symboled with an ominous looking rabbit labeled in the center, the mortal named Rebekah finds herself on the outside of what seemed to be a street. Bierce's voice broke the silence.

"Welcome to... Joy Joy Land? I got a bad feeling about this place.. I'd pick up the pace if I were you."

Being surrounded by fog and dull looking buildings but straight forward in the distance was a giant Disney styled castle, and fireworks erupting from behind, which gave off faint memories of hers that seemed to, unsettle her a bit.. But ignored it for now. Some benches were placed down the middle of the street as she walked past toward the castle.

"Not very magical looking, is it?" Bierce questioned. Rebekah stared up at the half-constructed castle.

"Not at all.." She responded. She takes a right, following the path down and to the left, seeing an entry way going further into the park. Stepping in she saw the words 'Greeting Checkpoint', along with another camera with lasers.

"More lasers, and another camera, you know what to do." Bierce spoke once again. Rebekah was kind of use to her voice after all the other times, so she sorta ignores her. Activating her new Vanish ability, she runs past the lasers, heading for the opening ahead, but closes before she could reach it, stopping in her tracks. Then a light turned on to her left behind one of the extended windows, showing a yellow rabbit and a chicken mascot on the other side. 

"Is that a rabbit?" Bierce said again, Rebekah rolled her eyes this time.

"Nah it's a mouse.. quite obvious what the hell it is Bierce." Rebekah groaned as she started hearing the rabbit speak.

"Hehheh hey- buddy? Uh where are ya? I can't see ya." The bunny spoke, peering through the glass with its hands cupping over his eyes.

She then remembered she was still invisible, her Vanish had not ended yet. "Uh give it a minute.." She called to it, who to him seemed like nothing was talking to him. Not long after she reappeared in front of him, and he looked in her direction.

"There ya are! Pleased to meet ya!" He said in a cheery tone of voice, giving a wave. "I'm Lucky the Rabbit. Oh! And then is my good friend Penny!" He motioned a hand to the chicken beside him, Rebekah looked in her direction and was just giving her this, smug side-eyed look. How long has she been staring at her like that for?

"Hii! I'm Penny the Chicken." She introduced.

"And were both members of the Joy Joy gang!" Lucky continued on, posing with his arms out at an angle. "What about you? Are you ready to become, one of the joyful??" He asked with a smile staring directly at the mortal, who stared back at him unamused, arms crossed, and didn't say a word. 

"Terrrific!" He exclaimed after that awkward silence, hands on his hips. "Seeing new visitors, fills us up with soo much joy. To celebrate, were going to sing our joy joy song!"

"Oh gods please no.." Rebekah muttered under her breath, hearing the music start, she sighed and leaned back on the other window behind her waiting for them to finish, whenever that'd be. This song was literally 36 seconds long, she counted in her head.

"Haha yay! Wasn't that fun?!" He cheered.

"No.." Rebekah groaned.

Lucky stared at her. "Geesh, you really don't have no joy in you don't ya?"

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