Chapter 1

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Today is a sunny day, and Kelly and Luna were simply taking a walk on the bridge outside of the Magical Kingdom.

Hand in hand, the aura between the two was sweeter than ever. However, sometimes things don't always stay jolly forever.

See, while Kelly, Carly, Luna, Britney, Sophie, and Ramona were all going down their own paths, things at Donny's Kingdom hadn't been very happy either.

And yet, a very angered blonde in particular came to the Magical Kingdom to get away from it all.

And she just so happened to be walking down the same bridge that Kelly and Luna were. Now, normally, Little Leah was a very 'happy go lucky' person.

As of today, she was not.

Leah had been through so much ever since she reached adult hood.

Donny wasn't her brother. King David and Queen Victoria? They weren't her parents.

And to top it all off, her real parents were complete assholes.

Not to mention, the girl they switched her with was a complete pushover.

Things weren't easy for Leah. She just wished she hadn't been born. Which leads up to today. She personally ran away to the Magical Kingdom to gain some closure and to see a brighter side of things.

But little did she know, was that she was gonna have to keep searching for that closure.

Because violence and aggression weren't her best friends. And she didn't care.

So here's how this all went down.

Kelly and Luna were walking further down the bridge when suddenly, Kelly noticed a glimpse of Little Leah hiding in some bushes at the edge of the bridge.

But suddenly, Leah sees the happy couple approaching and decides to go cause some trouble.

She then starts walking towards them, with the intent of passing them by only by an inch.

She saw how Luna was oddly colored, and she decided to make that her reason to make a little trouble.

So, as the 3 are passing each other, Leah pushes Luna and ends the interaction with a smug yet extremely rude comment.

"Watch where you're going, freak!" Says Leah in a sassy tone.

Kelly felt the pressure at which Luna was pushed, and since the two of them were holding hands, Kelly was getting pushed also.

From there, Kelly stopped walking and turned around to see the other blonde trying to walk away without getting any payback.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, but what the hell? Don't you know that I can snap your neck? Huh? Did you know that?" Kelly says, raising her voice.

Leah stops in her tracks, seemingly aware that she may get that little trouble she wanted after all.

She smirks evilly and turns around to face what looks to be a green-eyed blonde with a backbone.

"Oh. Oops! Hey Kelly, I didn't recognize you. Long time, no feel, hm?" Says Leah smugly, walking back to her a few steps at a time.

Kelly's eye begins to twitch as her blood starts to boil.

Luna can sense the aggression within the two blondes. And from that, she could tell, this wasn't gonna be pretty.

"Oh, you know her, Kelly?" Says Luna sounding uncomfortable.

Kelly scoffs.

"Know her? She's my ex boyfriends sister. So that's what I remember. Leah, you pushed my girlfriend. Apologize. Right now." Says Kelly with bass in her voice.

Luna admired when Kelly acted tough, but she had a feeling that that wasn't all that it took to end a situation.

Leah, however, started laughing.

Kelly's eyes widened. She smiled for a second, and then her expression turned into confusion.

"Umm, what's so funny? Did I make a joke?" Says Kelly.

Leah stops laughing, but only to say something she'll probably regret later.

"What's funny? I'll tell you what's funny. First you date my brother, and now you're lesbian all of a sudden? What, is this some kind of magic trick?" Asks Leah.

Kelly feels herself finding the urge to go on the attack, but then Luna leans into her ear and whispers something to her.

"Kelly, forget about her, okay? Let's just go. It's not worth it. You know that." Whispers Luna in a gentle tone.

Kelly listens to Luna's voice and then agrees that it wasn't the time of day.

She smirks.

"You know what, babe? You're right. What was I thinking? This is totally 'not' worth it. I don't know what's going on with you, Leah, but I simply have more important things to deal with. That's all, and good day to you. Let's go, Luna." Says Kelly retaking Luna's hand in hers and walking away.

Leah growls at seeing that her attempt to cause trouble is being thrown back into her face like a gus of wind.

"Damn it! Well, isn't that great!" Screams Leah.

After that, Kelly and Luna decided they'd go to Kelly's lair for a small picnic with scented candles.

The Little Club: Sun & Moon III(Kelly x Luna)Where stories live. Discover now