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Despite the disappointment of the football game earlier, a definite change had come over the attendants of the homecoming dance, especially toward Charlie Brown. Whereas nearly everyone had regarded him coldly when he made his initial appearance, ever since Charlie Brown had given Heather, the homecoming queen, the traditional kiss and led her through the first waltz, no one could stay mad once they saw how smoothly he took to the dance, giving them a show of boyish charm and infectious enthusiasm.

"For once, that zero is a hero," Lucy observed to herself, watching the typically shy and awkward boy go from one energetic dance to the next. She had been among those who had thrown vituperative insults at him, but even her trademark crabbiness was not inoculated against the euphoric energy which spread from Charlie Brown to the other students.

She soon had another reason to feel a burst of warmth toward him. After Charlie Brown had boogied with Heather a few times, he proceeded to invite each of the princesses in turn onto the dance floor, including one with long, blonde hair. Lucy did not know her name, and she would have had little reason to give her a second thought, if it had not been for the fact that Schroeder had been the princess's escort.

Despite always insisting he did not dance whenever Lucy had hinted at him taking her to homecoming, Schroeder had been practically glued to the princess since he first offered her his arm. Those sarcastic expressions which Lucy knew so well had not made a single appearance when he smiled at his pretty date. Several times Lucy had been close to storming over and yanking him away, but she had had no intention of embarrassing herself in front of the student body. With Charlie Brown now dancing the Hustle with the blonde girl, however, Lucy finally had an opportunity to approach her beloved, alone.

Adjusting the red corsage on her blue dress, she strode over to Schroeder. The blond boy currently watched his princess and Charlie Brown with a smile of approval rather than jealousy, which Lucy took as a good sign. If Schroeder did not really like sweet, blonde princesses over crabby, raven-haired football players, then Lucy had no reason to worry.

Stealing close to his side, she grabbed his hand. Schroeder jumped in surprise, but his eyes hardened when he caught sight of her.

"If you wanted to ask your future bride to dance, she would not refuse," she cooed.

"No, thank you." Schroeder jerked his hand free and tucked his arms behind his back, looking stiffer than normal. "I'd rather wait for Samantha to get back."

"Samantha?!" Lucy spat. Of course some blonde ingénue would have a prissy, preppy name like Samantha. "What about all your speeches about Beethoven remaining a bachelor?"

"He still had female friends," Schroeder answered, keeping his eyes on the pretty blonde bobbing on the dance floor.

"I'm your friend," Lucy retorted.

"Not at the moment."

Lucy staggered back, feeling faint, but her shock soon evaporated, replaced with a white-hot rage. She stomped back up to him, planting herself right in front of him — and right between him and any view of Samantha.

"So, some Barbie shows up, and you completely forget me?! Well, I'm not going to let you go without a fight, Schroeder! I believe in our future marriage!"

He did not flinch. He did not even grimace in disgust. He only held her fiery gaze with a gelid calmness.

"While you're up on your moral high horse, pointing fingers, remember that three are pointing back at you."

Lucy drew back a half inch. "Huh?"

"While you're accusing someone of 'infidelity,' you yourself have committed a betrayal today. A big one."

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