Chapter 1

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Vampires! These are monsters that are dangerous , powerful , mostly charming and the world's greatest destruction. They live on human flesh and obsessed with blood. They either suck the human blood or consume the human , really depends how desperate they are.

Before going on , let me take you back to history times. A very long , long , long time ago , about 2 million years ago , vampires were born in hell. Satan created them to worship him. They lived in peace , nothing was wrong to them. They used to suck blood from humans in hell. But then , we all know how the Devil is evil. He made hell hard for the vampires. He made it more hotter and more suffocating. Vampires are sensitive to heat radiation so some burned in hell , they were dry and suffering. They didn't want anything expect for a cold place and of course , blood.

So , they escaped hell. Satan let them escape because he knew very well they will cause destruction upon the world. Once they were all settled on Earth , they found out the world is their food and so , they sucked human blood. It was a vampire apocalypse where Everyman for himself. They were very smart and fast to catch its prey. This all happened during the 1820's. Humans didn't have time for school because it was very dangerous. But either way , vampires would barge in any home and  start consuming humans. Seoul population was decreasing and the death rate was very bad. This happened around the world and no one could think of a solution. It was an exogenous factor in the economy.

In the 1880's , that's where humans decided to fight back. The government thought about a solution. The government formed an organization to eliminate these creatures. The organization was called the DPO which means the ' Destruction Phase Organization. ' 

The DPO was everywhere in the world and in it had teams of 4 to 6. These teams are called X squad. There is x squad double force , X squad 2000 , X squad lady force , X squad 199 , X squad power x , the list goes on. Just think of it as NCT. Each team has X squad something something. You can even make up your own X squad name. Now the x squads were the doom of all vampires. They had special weapons to kill vampires. Weapons like garlic smoke bomb , a gun electrical net , electric cattle prod and many more.

In 1922 , war picked up between vampires and DPO groups. The humans won by using their weapons and they were very powerful, they worked efficiently against the vampires. 

In 1980 ,world war 2 began. Unfortunately , the vampires won this time and continued causing destruction. During that time the government created the biggest bomb they ever could - the atomic bomb. It consisted of very high dangerous chemicals with dangerous heat radiation. And so the DPO dropped the bomb on vampires. 

In 1999 , vampires hit back with surprise. World war 3 picked up and that's where they won. Since vampires are like demons , they're powerful. During this time , they were stronger than ever  , more sly , they had strong durability , few of them could even disappear into thin air like they weren't there. Humans had a very huge problem. From that time , vampires caused trouble.

You could never tell the difference between a human and a vampire. They look the same , sound the same. That was a huge disadvantage for the humans.

In 2006 , humans ate garlic like crazy. Some didn't because they were allergic and the worst thing was that the Earth wasn't providing enough of it. It was relative scarcity.

In 2011 , the government created a new weapon called zero x. This gadgets was specifically formed to kill vampires. Once the bullet hit a Vampire , it immediately changes its cells and poisons it. It makes them suffer. This gadgets was pretty efficient. But it was hardly made because it needed alot of resources so the x squad teams had to use only one in a while.

In 2016 , the government saw they had a big advantage. So instead of waiting for vampires to attack , they brought the fight to them. In that very same year , DPO hired young scientist to create solutions and how to manipulate the state of the world. Scientist and inventors worked along together. They created a gadget called the V.tracker. 

This gadgets helps by tracking vampires. Since humans have normal body temperature , they can't be identified. Humans drink water and water stabilizes their body temperature. With vampires , it's different. They drink blood and when you touch them , they are kinda cold which also means they're blood is cold. With this cold temperature , DPO can identify vampires easily by spotting their abnormal body temperature on the V.tracker. 

In 2018 , vampires hid away from humans but some were spotted easily with the V.tracker . It was easy to identify a vampire because most of them had pale skin and red eyes but all of that changed when they figured out a way to hide their vampire appearance.

Some vampires decided to live a normal human life and some didn't cause danger. Ever since then , humans would fall for vampires not knowing they aren't humans. That was the vampires biggest advantage. Some humans would rather stay single and pleasure themselves.

In 2020 , the government decided to not rest. Their top mission is to eliminate the vampire race. They must be EXTINCT! The government demanded.

During 2021 , some vampires had no intention in killing humans and sucking their blood. Instead , they fell in love and lived a happy life. Although that is possible , vampires and humans are like water and oil. Whenever they tried to have a baby together , the baby dies. The government liked it and whoever dates or married a vampire , they will both be killed by the DPO. Many people in Seoul had relationships with vampires but once the x squad groups identify your vampire mate , you're going to be killed along with them.

In 2022, the DPO decided to hire youngsters because they're like weapons. The youngsters are strong , smart and fast. Few youngsters were hired. Many of them didn't want to join the DPO because they're scared. You get killed by these creatures. About 12% youngsters in Seoul were hired.

A Japanese girl named Yuri Takashima was hired at the age of 16 , Currently 18. She was the youngest youngster DPO has ever hired. She was the perfect weapon. She was fearless , showed no mercy , cautious and sly. She was pretty , dainty and serious. DPO was proud to have her. She gets the most kills whenever she was on a mission. DPO debuted her in a team called X squad destruction force. They were the best in the organization.

Yuri met her leader , Bangchan. She met a friend named Yeji and her boyfriend , Kai. Yuri was very quiet and interesting. The only one she has ever talked to was her leader. After a few weeks Bangchan discovered the truth about Yuri Takashima. 

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