OC x Ellie Short One Shot Perchance

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*dedicated to my best friend in the whole wide world and who I wrote this for per her request*

April 14, 2039

Sienna's eyes flutter open as she feels a familiar caress against her cheek. She squints as a beam of light peeks from the curtains and shines down on her and the girl sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sienna." Ellie whispers, her hand trailing from Sienna's face down to her shoulder, nudging her gently. "It's time to wake up Sienna."

Sienna groans in protest, "no it's not," she grunts and rolls over, turning her back to Ellie. Sienna hears a sigh and she detects a hint of amusement. A split second later Sienna's shoulder is met with a firm grip as she is pushed down, back towards Ellie, who is now much closer. It was a quick, smooth motion and just another second later Ellie crawls further onto the bed, one arm still holding Sienna down and the other caging her other side as she straddles her.

"Well now I definitely can't get up." Sienna jokes and smirks up at Ellie who is just staring at her, a gleam of triumph in her eyes. "What?" Sienna furrows her brow.

"Nothing," Ellie is leaning down, "you're just so beautiful." Ellie closes the space between them as their lips meet passionately. Sienna is still trapped under Ellie but frankly she doesn't mind. She melts into the kiss, her hands trailing up to rest on Ellie's hips as they slowly start to grind on her. The kiss pauses and Sienna can feel Ellie grin against her lips.

Sienna wants more. Needs more. "Ellie..." She begs, breathless.

"Patience Sienna" Ellie mumbles against her skin as her kisses trail slowly down Sienna's lips to her neck. Sienna's head arches back in response, exposing her neck more to Ellie, soft moans escaping her. Suddenly Ellie stops and presses one more kiss to Sienna before freeing her from her arms. Sienna has barely any time to protest and can't hide her disapointment as Ellie dismounts her.

"After your party, my love, I'm all yours." She tells Sienna.

"Oh right...my party." Sienna pouts, "How about we skip that?"

"No, you can't get out of this one." Ellie wags her finger at her. "But I promise if you're a good girl I'll pick up where we left off later tonight."

"Fine." Sienna reluctantly sits up, she's now more than wide awake.

Later that night, after the party...


Authors note: Hey pookie, this took all my strength and I definitely had some moments where I cringed, I'm a little rusty so bear with me but I hope it was okay enough to suprise you on your birthday (anything for you pookie). I know you wanted smut but I couldn't bring myself to do it...maybe if you beg me a little more it can be (one of) your graduation gift(s) mwahahaha ;) ANYWAY I HOPE IT MEETS YOUR STANDARDS AND IF NOT PLS HUMBLE ME. BYE NOW MWAH.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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