Chapter 14 The Forbidden Secret Revealed

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Both Ash and Lorien would get up with Lorien would ask Ash if he was holding back to which Ash would state he would never hold back that is not his style and would also be an insult to his pride and disrespectful of his opponent, Ash would explain it was Lorien's drive that lead to the match to be a tie then Ash would state he has now fully earned the tile of champion while living to his brother's, his father's and his ancestors legacy. Hearing Ash's statement would surprise Lorien then asking how he knew about his family then realizing that someone told Ash which at first would get a little mad at the people who told Ash about his family and his past but would let it go because he understands why Ash went all out in order to cure Lorien's imposter syndrome while giving him the fight Lorien was denied, the question on everyones was asking was the status of who would be champion which Ash had an idea only if Lorien and his people were alright with it which Lorien would ask Ash what did he had in mind to which Ash would suggest that two champions one being a native while the second being a outsider which at first Lorien would say for many centuries they would never greet an outsiders request but Lorien would state that they can make an exception with Ash because he has spent eight years learning the ways of Lorien's people and both Lorien and his people trust him. Ash would explain the reason behind Ash idea was a way to bridge the gab between Lorien's people and the people of the other regions with Lorien agreeing to Ash's idea ,then suddenly Giovanni would appear with some members of team rocket and team savage. Ash and Lorien would notice that Giovanni was wielding a pitch fork that was emitting an menacing, ominous and bloodthirsty energy. Ash and Lorien would fight against the intruders managing to knock out a few of team savage members Ash would fight Giovanni then grabbing the pitch fork then something would happen as he tries to pull it away from Giovanni while being over whelmed by the energy from the pitch fork. Ash would then throw the pitch fork towards his pokemon asking them to destroy the pitch fork which Griffipress/ray,  Gybuid/pierce, Draugserker/Axel and Jormundracirius/Talon would use the powers to destroy the pitch fork and would succeed then asking them to capture him before he escape but Giovanni with the members of team rockets and the other members of team savage would manage to escape. Ash would drop to the ground in shock still recovering from the energy from the pitch fork, Lorien would ask Ash if he was alright which he states something happened to him when he touched that pitch fork, Lorien would try to calm Ash and get he to rest but then Ash would say something that would shake Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis al well as the other region which was I saw the lost city which would shock Lorien and his people. Lorien would then say that the only thing anyone of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis that back when the four regions were a single region called Atlious then once the great rupture all records of the city was stricken from the historical archives, the announcer would then Ash how you be sure what you saw was the lost city no one knows what it was called any more to which answered it's called Orichalcous and I didn't just simple see I knew it like I was reliving someones memories, with help from Musharna would see what Ash saw when he touch that pitch fork then Ash would begin to tell the tale of how Orichalcous had become a curse upon not just Atlious but the whole world by exploiting a substance called the blood of Lazarus Atlious became the first true super power in the world but it came a terrible price which poisoning the land, the sea and the air to a point it would make it impossible for a Weezing couldn't survive while also poisoning the mind of the tyrant who ruled Atlious the last king of  Atlious Larneous, his advisor tried to pleading him to stop using the blood of Lazarus before the world was beyond repair but Larneous refused believing that his people were trying to steal his power then creating the evil pitch fork which he would use on the soldiers loyal to him to become mindless unthinking troops that only followed his orders which he would use to  oppress his own people while in reality Larneous was a puppet for an evil pokemon called  Liloviatar the corruption pokemon, Liloviatar disprized humanity believing that they are inferior beings that should either serve pokemon or be destroy, Arceus tried to reason with Liloviatar trying to get Liloviatar to stop with it's goal to destroy humanity while feeling betrayed by Arceus and all other pokemon who choose to side with the humans and would vow to kill any human or pokemon who gets in it's why which would lead to Arceus to side with the humans who lead a revolt against Larneous and Liloviatar which was one of the most bloodiest battle in history which Acreus and the rebels defeat them both then would use Orichalcous as a prison for Liloviatar which would be sealed by four of the strongest rebels combined Arceus power then to make sure that Liloviatar would never be found which was why Orichalcous is stricken from any historic record stating that this evil was supposed to remain forgotten for all eternity but now Giovanni, team rocket and team savage have found the location of the sunken city. Ash would then state one of the reason I came Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis was to learn what the people of the four region were distrustful of outsiders they were in fact trying to keep inquisitive people from searching for Orichalcous and awakening the dangerous evil in our worlds history then would explain what he realized that champions of the past, Lorien, the four pillars and the four arena masters are not simply the strongest fighters of their region but the guardians of secret location of the Orichalcous which is referred to as the cursed city in order to keep Liloviatar from rising again. Lorien would congratulate Ash for truly understanding the for keeping the forbidden secret of Orichalcous from ever coming to light then Ash now has a new found respect for Lorien, his ancestors, the four pillars of the past/present and the four arena masters of the past/present. Lorien would then ask the announcer to call the banners signalling that it was time, Ash would ask calling the banners is a call to arms to Lorien confirms  he would then ask Ash to get aid from the beast people and strixian to which Ash would explain that they don't fight for anyones but their own and answer to no then Harphalian appear back in the arena carrying something in her claws dropping one of the objects which turns out to be a sword as well as the second with it landing in Lorien's hands which was called Naraliburn while the other is called Duranduril. Lorien would explain Duranduril forged for ancestor just before the great rupture in order to fight Liloviatar and was the same with Naraliburn which was forged for first champion then saying that it's fitting that Ash should have it which surprised at first while trying to deny the sword to which Lorien gave an interesting piece of history and would be surprised to learn that the first champion was from Galar, Lorien would explain every thousand years since the great rupture eight thousand years ago one trainer from each of the region would became one of two champions one that was a native while the other was an outsider until two hundred years ago when which was around the time Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis became distrustful of outsiders until Ash came around, after hearing the story behind the two swords Ash would accept Naraliburn then pull Naraliburn out of it's scabbard then looking at the blade and would sense the work that was put into forging Naraliburn. Just before he left to get aid from beast people and strixian Ash would explain there was one last thing he almost forgot to say which was he also say the origins of team savage which would grab Lorien's attention, Ash would explain the founders of team savage were surviving sympathizers of Larneous court who made it the mission to restore Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis to the days of Larneous regain, after hearing the origin of team savage would give Lorien, the four pillars and the four arena masters a more resolve to end team savage which would lead Ash to ask the four arena master was there something more to what they told to they confirm. Leonidas would first explain that his brother Cleomenes became team savages puppet but in the end tried to fight against them only to get killed by team savage. Brunhilde and Danu would explain that Eir and Lugh tried to ferret out any members of team savage had infiltrated the four regions governments but would get killed for searching in the dark with the dark struck back. Björn would state that his father disappeared when he was thirteen which would lead him to be the fill in father for his four younger brother and would succeed with all but one of his brothers specifically his youngest brother Ivar who agreed with team savage methods which would lead Björn to say to Ivar that any who sympathizes with team savage which lead to the not seeing or speaking to each other for five years then would come face to face with Ivar again who had join team savage and kill Björn's second youngest brother Sigurd, Björn along with his younger brothers Ubba and Hvitserk would fight Ivar lead to Ivar's death. After hearing Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn reason why the four arena masters have such hatred towards team savage then Ash would then learn how close Björn and his surviving brothers became after Ivar and Sigurd death while also learning that after Eir was killed Gunther her partner became closer to Brunhilde eventually fell in love then learn that when Danu's brother Lugh would along with his wife Buach but Danu managed to save her niece Ebliu then learning that Leonidas also has a Atreus son. Lorien would then tell Ash one last thing before he left which was why he asked Ash to ask for aid from the beast people and strixian start with an old legend which was about when the Forbidden secret is revealed and the ancient evil rises again a warrior would appear before both beast people and strixian known as the Pricolicious a warrior who could use the power of both people which Lorien believes to be Ash which Ash realizes that the Pricolicious a warrior who has a crest bond with Vemonthropy and Vampiria to which Lorien confirms.

The video at the top is for the tell of Orichalcous while the second video is for Lorien gifting Naraliburn to Ash as well as for the story of the Pricolicious.

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