Ddot | protect me

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D:*smacks lips* bro I'm bored as hell bru
Dd: Fr mh
D:I'm bout to call Ana rn les go to the deli nigga
Dd:fo sho les go
D:aigh lemme call ha real quick tho



I'm sitting in my room bored as usual
As I was about to text Ddot he calls me
I answer

D:Wsp my heart
A:nth babe wsp w you
D:nth bored but let's go to the deli I'll go pick you up rn
A:sure let's go I'm bored
D:aight n don't be taking long lil girl is js the deli
A: I knowwww darrian
D:bro chill out with the gov
A:alright bye
D:bye love you

Damn this boyyyyy 🤭🤭

A:*chuckles* love you too mh

He ends the call I just know he was smiling ☺️


A:*chuckles* love you too mh

Hangs up

This girl I swear her lil laugh so fuckin cute wrd 2

Dd:yo what she say
D:oh she say yea les go walk to ha place it's only 5 min
Dd:yea let's go cmon

Dd says as I turn off my phone grab my sweater put it on n walk out the door w Dd behind me doing ion even know I js know he's following me

We start walking to Ana's place n I start feeling a weird vibe like I'm being watched or sum
I look around and see no one atp I start getting a lil paranoid cuz I don't usually feel weird when walking around outside
I guess Dd noticed

Dd: yo you good mh
He says as he laughs thinking I'm being funny
D:I'm chill js making sure no one do sum shi
Dd:we good dw
D: aigh

I calm down I'm probably js chatting

5 mins later we here at Ana's place I knock on ha door n see ha gorgeous self looking so beautiful 😍


After the call I js put some simple like Ddot said is js the deli

After the call I js put some simple like Ddot said is js the deli

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I put this on

Then I hear a knock on my door I open it n see Ddot n Dd

D:Wsp ma
A:hi babe hey twin
Dd:heyyy twinnn

Yall laugh

A:where notti
Dd:he kickin it w the gang rn
A:ohh Alr
D:les go now

He says as he wraps an arm around her

A: yea let's go

Yall start walking to the deli

Yall then get in the deli getting snacks n shi
Yall pay then walk out the deli


A:thank you my love
D:ofc mh

*gives her a peck*

We start walking to Ana's place
I then hear gun shots
The first instinct I do is cover Ana
I wrap my arms around her as she goes down covering her face
A: darrien
I hear her whisper
After the gunshots

I look around before getting up not letting go of Ana

D: Ana you good you okay

I look at her
She looked frozen
D: bae
I shake her
A: yea I'm f-fine
D:you sure you hurt?
A:no I'm good where Dd
I look over and see Dd getting up from the ground

I run to him
D: yo mh you good
Dd: yea bro im good wtf happened
D: ion know but we gotta get to Ana's place fast hurry up

We start walking fast to Ana's place

                           At Ana's house
Dd: yo is it cool if I stay the night here ion wanna go home alone
A: yea ofc
D: bae you tired?
A: a little bit why?

She looks up at me as I wrap my arms around her waist
D:I'm tired let's go sleep
A: yea cmon
She heads upstairs with me following behind her
A: goodnight dd
Dd: goodnight my hearts
D: night mh

As I go to Ana's room I lay in her bed still thinking abt what happened today and waiting for Ana to come out the restroom she looked like as if nth happened I'm still shocked that happened i knew something was gonna go wrong ig ana noticed i was zoning out
A: babe
D: yea
A: stop thinking abt it
D: ik but today like i had a feeling something like this was gon happen

I say as she sits on the bed in front of me
Listening to me

D: ion know I was paranoid before that happened
A: just stop thinking about it okay everything will be fine I'm still here dd still here and your still here okay I love you

I look at her

D: I love you too mh come here

I cuddle her as if it was the last time


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