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⚠️ mention of blood, violence.

AS THEY STOOD in the former storage hall that was now the porn studio Tessa was working at, Chibs, as the Gentleman he could be, kept his gaze on something else, trying his best not to make the young woman feel stared at

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AS THEY STOOD in the former storage hall that was now the porn studio Tessa was working at, Chibs, as the Gentleman he could be, kept his gaze on something else, trying his best not to make the young woman feel stared at. Tessa felt uncomfortable enough that they showed up with her at work now, which he understood, but it was necessary as long as this Cal guy was still walking around.

Happy on the other hand literally stared her down as his arms crossed over his chest, the toothpick between his lips almost snapping under the pressure of his clenched jaw. The Killer still hated this job for her. Watching her do her job just fueled his jealousy to a level he almost lost his shit when the photographer told her to get rid of her bra.

"Wanna wait outside, brother?" With Chibs' accent thick, he put a hand on Happy's shoulder, squeezing it. "I can stay here, watch 'er for you."

"No", Happy said in a low growl, not once taking his eyes off the scene unfolding on the bed that stood in a corner next to other sets.

Tessa felt a wave of insecurity washing over her when the director demanded she lose her bottoms too. However, what Ima did within a few seconds made the raven-haired woman hesitate. It wasn't the first time she had taken off her clothes for pictures, but it was the first time that the man, for whom she really felt something, was watching her get naked for others. And a quick glance to the side was enough to see that Happy wasn't thrilled, seething actually.

"What's your damn problem?" Ima hissed in a whisper, her fingers already sliding into the straps of Tessa's thong to help her without being asked.

"Don't you fuckin' dare to decide shit for me, you hear me?" Tessa firmly grasped the blonde's wrists, pushing Ima's hands away as she glared at the blonde.

With a huff, Ima backed away a little, only then did her gaze slide past Tessa's, straight to Happy, who looked all ready to intervene at any moment. Letting out a humorless laugh, Ima clicked her tongue as she realized what the actual problem was, studying Tessa.

"Is it because of him?", she asked, sounding almost amused as she pointed her finger at Happy.

"Just save your breath and shut up", Tessa muttered, dismissing that it was definitely because of Happy.

"Girls, what's this about? Lose your clothes", the photographer called over as an annoyed expression crossed his hard, stern features. "I don't have all day."

"Give us a damn moment, would you?" Tessa told the man with a scowl on her face. He was the one in charge, she knew that, but she wasn't one to let others make her feel uncomfortableᅳ not anymore.

"Listen to me." Ima roughly grabbed Tessa's arm, practically forcing the younger one to pay attention to her. Once the blonde had it, she leaned in a little. "You think he's serious about you? Girl, you have no fuckin' idea", a grin took over her face. "One day you'll find him face down in some Croweater's pussy, eating her out like he's a starved man, leaving you heartbroken. So snap the fuck out of your fairytale story, thinking that he's the one, and do your job before you get me in trouble."

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