1. Take The Pain Away

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When the night calls, Camila Cabello, 27 year old CEO of her own company finds herself stumbling into a well known bar to take the edge off.

The broken woman and her boyfriend of two years had broken up a few days ago when they got into a heated argument when the evidence of another females belongings was caught in the eyes of the brunette.

Walking in with the shadow of annoyance, Camila got a seat by the bar and asked for the strongest liquor they had to make her forget the memory of the last two years with the man she dealt with. It wasn't that she didn't love him, she loved and gave nothing but her all into the relationship, it was the way she thought how could she be so naive to think something that long could end like that, the feeling she almost thought he was her forever. In Camila's mind she didn't feel worthy enough to be in a relationship that could last long, let alone think she would find someone that she could see herself spending the rest of her life with.

With almost eight shots downed, her throat was burning with the strong taste. Taking a last shot Camila asked the bartender for a simple margarita. She didn't feel like drowning herself in just hard liquor. A few minutes later, the bartender gave her what she ordered. As soon as she received it in her hands she spun to look around the crowd when a body collided with her drink

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" The Latina exclaimed before turning behind her asking the bartender for a rag to dry the person up. Catching the rag she turned to glance at the sight in front of her

A stunning woman with wavy dark hair that flew to her shoulders almost lower with black strap on heels in a silky red dress that could make jaws drop from a mile away "It's okay don't worry about it, I didn't see where I was going it's my fault." Camila immediately started to attempt and dry the dress just as soft hands touched her shoulder. Looking up from the dress, Camila could see how soft the brown eyes looked when she made eye contact

"No need to attempt at cleaning, accidents happen, either way I appreciate you trying to clean my dress up." The woman's voice matched her eyes sounding as soft as a feather, delicate to the touch. Camila cleared her throat before sitting up straight sending the girl a soft smile before putting the rag next to her "At least let me make it up to you, that dress is making you look like the main event of the evening." The girl chuckled

"I'm serious it's totally fine, it's no biggie I can always wash it at my house." Camila tried to concentrate on the girls voice, but in the moment she was admiring how perfect the body fit the woman's body in all the right places

In that moment a Camila couldn't utter a complete word but instead just took the time to admire the woman who was now ordering

"A margarita for the lady and a mimosa, this one's on me." The dark haired woman with the soaked dress thanked the bartender and pulled out the seat next to the Latina

"You didn't have to really, if anything I should be the one ordering for you." Camila said still feeling guilty for the little incident

"It's not a problem you look like you need it anyways." Camila giggled shaking her head before turning her head to the woman

"I'm Camila." The Latina stuck her hand out her eyes not leaving the stunning woman

"I'm Y/n." The name sunk in Camila's head as Y/n stuck her hand out shaking their hands together.

Her name is just as stunning as her.

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