Dating you for Revenge chapter 1: "flashback of the Past"

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It was a sunny day at the Evergreen kingdom, there was a kind king and a queen name Seojin Himeshima and Heiran Himeshima. They also have a good relationship with the kinimoto family. After one year, they finally have children, a twin.

Heiran: my love, what are we gonna name them? "She ask"

Seojin: what about...Mika and mokiro "he smiled happily"

Heiran: what a wonderful name, it's perfect. "She smiled"

The couple were really happy having Mika and moriko in there life.

Even in the Ignatius Kingdom. There also have a kind king and queen, having twins as well.

Miyaru: darling, aren't they adorable "she's holding hyuri's little finger"

Shiji: she looks exactly like you mi vida "holding shiori"

Miyaru: and you have her look too darling "looking at hyuri's adorable baby face"

Shiji: yea, she sure do "smiled so brightly"

Miyaru: darling, why don't we arrange something for our Children's future? "She ask questionly"

Shiji : what are you thinking mi vida? "He ask"

Miyaru : since the Heiran and Seojin already have twins as well, why don't we arrange one of there daughter to hyuri or Shiori? "She said"

Shoji: if they agree, mi vida "he said"

Miyaru: your right, let's go at there palace, tomorrow to discuss this to them? "She ask"

Shoji: I guess so, mi vida

Miyaru: well, it's settled then, let's take a rest for tomorrow, Darling

Shoji : yea, you look really tired, so let's rest "kisses her forehead"

Miyaru: mhm "putting the baby on the cradle and starting to fall asleep" good...night "sleeping"

Shoji: good night, mi vida "sleeping beside her"

The next day, the kinimoto family went to the Evergreen kingdom.

Miyaru: Seojin, Heiran? "Looking around"

Heiran: Miya! "She shouted behind her"

Miyaru: hei-nim! "Surprised"

They hugged each other.

Heiran: it's been so long since you come here!

Miyaru: it is, isn't it...

Heiran: so, what brings you here? "She question her"

Miyaru: darling?

Shoji: on it mi vida...well, mi vida and I wanted a request from you two "he said"

Seojin: what is it sho-nim? "He ask"

Shoji: me and mi vida, wanted to have a proposal to let one of my kids to marry one of your children in the future.

Seojin and Heiran looked surprised at what shoji said


Seojin: my love?

Heiran: I can't let them Marry Mika, she already settled an marriage with the Adeptus family. But mokiro, hmm
... I suppose I'll let her be the candidate for it.

Shoji: then, here's the paper for the agreement "give a peace of paper written for the agreement"

Heiran: "signing in"

Seojin: "signing in "

Shoji: it's all in a deal now, no backing up.

Seojin: I never backing up for this sho-nim "he pat shojin's back"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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