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━───────⊹⊱✙⊰⊹───────━"We shouldn't have done this

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"We shouldn't have done this." Evelyn whispered as she stared up at the ceiling, her naked body covered by a dirty old sheet. Roman slept next to her, his arm draped around her waist. Meanwhile, Evelyn couldn't sleep at all. She had just murdered a man, and then had sex with their captor. She hated herself more in this moment than ever before. Roman seemingly felt no guilt, as he slept like a baby. 

All she could think about was how Mateo's blood felt all over her skin. Warm, sticky, smooth. It was a feeling that filled her with excitement and disgust. She had never felt that way before, so she wanted more of it. The feeling of guilt greatly overpowered the feeling of pleasure, though. She needed to escape. 

She stared up at the ceiling, trying to concoct a plan to leave. She considered killing Roman. He was vulnerable, unaware, and asleep, and the knife was still lodged in Mateo's body, which wasn't too out of reach. However, she knew that the law would not act in her favor if she reported the situation, so she would either end up in prison on two counts of murder or continue living her life, pretending nothing ever happened, and eventually go crazy. She considered stealing his phone, but there most likely wouldn't be reception underground. 

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in her brain. Her eyes widened as she thought over the plan in her head. If it worked, she would be free. If it failed, she would die. What could possibly go wrong?

She slowly peeled his arm off of her waist, a gesture that made him growl in his sleep and turn to his side. He was like a sleeping lion, and she needed to be careful as to not wake him. She slowly stood up, wincing at the feeling of her sore legs. She walked to the corner of the room, where both of their clothes sat sprawled in a pile on the floor. The only article of clothing that remained from her was her t-shirt, so she carefully put it on as to not make too much noise. She moved onto his clothes, searching through his pockets. She searched through the pockets in his pants, and dug deeper until she felt the cold metal on her fingers. She pulled the object out, and it turned out to be the key to the basement.

Her eyes widened and hope rushed through her body. She carried her shoes in one hand, and the key in the other, walking up the stairs slowly. They creaked ever so slightly, making her cringe. Roman still slept, his snores filling the room. Once she made her way up, she unlocked the door and closed it behind her, locking it back. It would buy her time if Roman woke up. The house was large, eerily so. There were many rooms, spare bedrooms, and bathrooms. She considered going to the bathroom, as she hadn't in days, but she figured there wasn't enough time. She walked around until she made it to the kitchen, and she looked around. It was a standard kitchen, with large counters decorated with baskets of fruit, and tall stools around the island. 

Her eyes drifted to the wall, and there were a couple of hooks, holding up jackets and umbrellas. She searched through the pockets of each of the jackets. The majority of them were empty, but the last jacket contained the key to the house. Her key to escaping. She quickly snagged the key with shaking hands, when the lights turned on in the kitchen. She immediately turned around, her back against the wall. It was Roman, staring down at her with an amused and almost disappointed expression, his fingers still on the light-switch. 

He sighed dramatically and crossed his arms over his chest, walking over to her slowly. "You are clever, Evelyn. There was never a doubt in my mind about that." 

She slowly backed away, her eyes wide and terrified. He continued speaking, "But you seriously thought that I wouldn't catch you if you tried to run away?" He chuckled. The look in his eyes sent a shiver up her spine. Dark, dangerous. 

"Let's play a game." He said slowly, his voice low. He reached his arm into the hallway and used his fist to break the glass box on the wall that displayed a rifle. Once he pulled it into her view, her eyes widened further, and her jaw fell agape. 'I didn't see that in the dark, fuck!' She thought, her heart racing as she reached for the doorknob. He got closer and closer to her, and she couldn't twist the doorknob, her hands were drenched in sweat. Suddenly, he used the heel of the rifle to hit her in the arm. She cried out in pain and held her arm to her chest. 

He opened the door and looked at her expectingly, and she only returned a look of complete confusion. "If you can run away without me finding you, you get to live. If I do find you, I'll kill you." 

Evelyn's stomach dropped and she immediately burst through the door, dropping her shoes in the process. He only stood on the patio, holding the rifle and watching her run through the woods. "Run, rabbit, run!" He laughed maniacally. 

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