𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮

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I had no idea regarding what was going on in my life. Some old creep sealed a monster inside me and claimed to have taught my parents, Sasuke was probably with Orochimaru by now and my comrades were probably training.

I had to train too, so I spent day and night working on my jutsu. I had started managing to produce infra-red waves, all under Kakashi Sensei's guidance. I didn't have the Sharingan, true, yet he was an amazing teacher.

The old guy, called Jiraiya, had also joined Kakashi Sensei occasionally. Naruto and I would train together too, while Sakura trained under Lady Tsunade in the field of medicine.


I awoke, in a dark dungeon. I felt all groggy and extremely weird, as if I had just come back to life. Technically, I did, because of the whole curse mark situation.

This was Orochimaru's hideout- quite dusty, dark and ominous. Fitting for a man like him. If he even is one, that is. Either way, I needed his training to help me attain power. Itachi would definitely get destroyed if I trained enough, under Orochimaru's guidance.

"Awake?" I turned my head around and noticed Kabuto, smirking. He disgusted me, with those round glasses and slicked back white hair. I hated his guts. Why did Orochimaru have this good for nothing scum as his servant?

"You're moody. Anyway, you better behave in front of my 'LOVELY' Orochimaru." He uttered, fixing his glasses yet determined. I scowled at him and rolled my eyes, retorting cockily. "I don't need him nearly as much as he needs me, Kabuto. The only reason I'm here is to gain power, not obey your every word. Get lost."

Scoffing, Kabuto stormed off. I continued lying down in bed, as I realised something. Those five. Naruto, Kiba, Neji, Choji and Shikamaru. They had come after me. Oh well, their loss.

Although, as much as I hated to admit it, I felt kind of empty. As if a part of me was missing. Sakura, a good friend. Kakashi, my teacher. Naruto, my rival and the person who treated me like a brother, and most of all, Emiko. Emiko, my teammate, training partner and good friend, who helped me for numerous months.

I missed them all, as much as I hated to admit it. They made me feel warm and comfortable, and it was hard leaving them, but sacrifice was necessary. I had to throw away my feelings and become heartless, in order to exact vengeance on my brother.

Itachi Uchiha, the person I would brutally kill and shun. After that, I would restore my clan. Orochimaru was also necessary for my goals in this life, so I had to use him. Konoha was old news. My new home was here, with an annoying Orochimaru meatrider and an immortal, disgusting, manipulative disgrace to the world.


"Where am I?" I ask, to no one in particular. Mumbling under my breath, I analysed my new surroundings. Looking left and right, I realised I was inside my mind or something. This was completelt unfamiliar, but I didn't feel like I had been transporter elsewhere.

I rose up to my feet and inched towards a large cage in front of me, with black, seemingly hard and solid bars. I noticed a menacing yet strange presence, with an enormous chakra. I looked a bit closer and suddenly, backed away.

A huge, blue cat had been locked inside. My eyes widened as I murmured, "Kitty? Why is there a cat in me?!" The 'cat' groaned and replied, "I'm not a kitty, thank you very much. My name is Matatabi. I try to maintain a respectful demeanour, but you're making this hard by calling me a kitty!"

"Holy mother of- what the-! You're the monster in me? Are you the reason I love cats? Can you meow for me?" I ask, feeling a bit excited. A cat inside me?! Talk about cool! Cats were my purpose of living. I adored cats!

"I will NOT meow for you, I am THE TWO TAILED BEAST! I have pride and power." Matatabi responds, with an irritated voice and a scoff. This beast seemed to be sort of respectful, compared to what I heard about the others.

I looked at her in surprise when I hear, "Anyway, I want to offer you something." Matatabi continues, "I want to grant you a fraction of my power."

"Huh?" I respond, utterly confused. "Why? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love that, but what's in it for you?" Matatabi laughs in a strange way, almost like a 'possessed cat' before saying, "Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out. Or not. Do we have a deal or not, then?"

Hesitantly, I mumbled, nodding my head, "Fine."


Immediatly after that encounter, I jolted up, inhaling and exhaling sharply and shakily. I was sitting on a stool at Ichiraku's and had completely lost track of the time, place and every relevant object of space around me.

After paying the bill, I darted away. I couldn't get the deal out of my head, yes, but there was one other problem- Sasuke. I kind of missed him. Okay, that was an understatement. I really, really missed him and wished that stupid Uchiha boy came back. He had me missing him and silently begging him to come back to us in my heart.

𝓐𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓪𝔁𝓲𝓪. [𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓧 𝓞𝓒] • ON A TEMPORARY HIATUS!!Where stories live. Discover now