CHAPTER 1 - Why ??

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"Yooo how's my favorite girl doing?"
Said Trevor, entering her home for at least the 12796th times this week.

"Sleepy as always.Anyways,
You brought the goods?", asked Nixie

"You know it," said Trevor, bringing up a bag containing at least a month's worth of snacks.Nixie quickly hugs Trevor and takes at least half the bag

"I love you you know that?", replied Nixie as thanks

"Yeah yeah I know", replied Trevor nonchalantly, taking his portion and hiding far away from Nixie as he knew that the latter would try to steal that too.

He then plops on the couch, unaware of Nixie subconsciously gazing at him, and turns around to find her staring. He sighs.
He knew what Nixie felt towards him but he just couldn't help but feel like abusing it, since she was one of the closest to him and one of the first to feel this way towards him; which made him very cocky about his platonic relationship with her, hence taking it as something worth attending to.

Nixie snapped back to reality and focuses on the movie programmed on television, no longer interested ;rather,
Someone else had her attention and she couldn't help but fantasize but quickly regains concentration.

"...Hey Trevor."

"Yes Nixie?
What's wrong?", replied Trevor.

"Remember when our parents met?"

"Yeah, replied Trevor, they told us ateast 12 times already.

They used to work in a company who happened to be the richest ever.
Then the Ceos who happened to be my parents meet your parents Nixie, they got along well.
They eventually got closer and even hanging out in double dates."

He stops to let the story linger but then resumes.

"Then since we were born, they made us become friends with each other,nearly inseparable and we almost do everything together."

He chuckled, looking at Nixie with amusement.

"No wonder were so close huh?"
He asked with a smile.
That smile. Oh that damn smile.
How Nixie hated it at first. But over the years, it became the most endearing smile she ever witness. That same smile that made everything changed.

"Um...Nixie...are you okay?
You're spacing out."

Nixie quickly snaps out of her thoughts and chuckles nervously.
"Yeah I'm fineeeeeeee.
Never felt better."

Nixie remains silent, trying her best to focuse on the movie "trending" on every soca media possible.

Trevor remains silent
Focusing on the movie with interest, not noticing the guilt Nixie was currently feeling from not confessing or having had the courage to confess.


Trevor was already fast asleep in the guest room while Nixie was pacing back and forth in her room, internally screaming and roasting herself for having chickened out instead of telling Trevor directly.


Hell, even Nickocado Avocado could do a better job at confession than me"

She breathes out, trying her hardest to calm herself and trying not to throw the nearest object possible across the room.
I laid on my stomach,rethinking of the early interaction and kicking her feet.

She lays on her bed, overthinking as always.

"He did look handsome when watching the movie. But he's a jerk though sometimes.
But it's mostly teasing though.
I'm jealous of his eyelashes. Why men eyelashes are longer than me?????

It's not fair.
But he's such a crybaby though. He cried at a scene in the movie and tried to act tough though he was tearing up.
I wanted to comfort him so badlyyytttt.

But I was scared.
Stupid me."

Nixie gets a random text on her phone and quickly goes to get it; ending up making the phone nearly crash against the wall to break it and making it fall on her face instead.

After creatively cursing,
She looks at the text to see it being Trevor.

"Hey Sleepyhead
I know damn well you're not sleeping and I was texting you to confirm it :p"

Nixie tried not to scream, throw the phone again, and throwing her pillow and contented on staying as quiet as possible so as to avoid suspicion, slightly failing as she could be heard from the hallway.

"Oh shut up, responded Nixie,
I was just reading."

"Yeah right. Because you consider smut as reading material?"

"Books are books, retorted Nixie,now stop judging my taste in books when you only read thrillers and horror.
You should try romance sometimes.

It's not that bad."

" :/ not sure. I don't see the hype to be honest."

"I'll make sure to make you read romance one day. Try it.
I know it's not as good as mangas but you got to try someday. Then you'll understand the meaning of love,"

She said sighing dreamily at the thought if us maybe, just maybe.

A loud noise of disgust could be heard in the guest room and Nixie rolls her eyes, exasperated by how dramatic Trevor was being.

" You'll never make me read books like that ever."

"Wanna bet?", retorted Nixie.
"Alright", responded Trevor.

"Also Trevor...I wanted to tell you something but I didn't get the chance to..."

"Go on then, responded Trevor, What is it?"

Nixie hesitated before finally saying the words she's been trying to force out of her mouth for the past 22 years.

"I...I love you Trevor."

Trevor hesitated to type before giving his answer.

"Oh yeah I love ya too.
You're the best best friend I ever had in my life girl.
Imma go sleep now. See ya in the morning Sleepyhead.
Xo :3 "

Nixie stared at her phone for a d
Solid 15 minutes before screaming into her pillows, on the verge of crying real tears.

Nixie mumbles to herself, exhausted from the beating her squishmallows and plushies.

What did I do wring? When will I be noticed? My feeling validated?

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.
It's okay, I'll try harder everyday.
I would do anything for him and he treats me like this.
What should I do?
How to be more clearer and precise?

I'll search it with online friends and gooe tomorrow."

Nixie fell asleep after 20 minutes, snoring like a damn whale, dreaming about her and Trevor living together, having had her dream come true; unfortunately living in a dream....


Or will it turn into a reality?

Or will something else get in the way and destroy everything?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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