He Likes HER?

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"But I don't wanna move! I'm gonna leave Sherry and Olivia?!?" I ask my mom.

"Honey you will LOVE your new school, trust me!"she replies.

My dads job had been transferred to Chapshire, England. I know, I'm a huge directioner so I know that Harry styles lives there but it's not like I'm just gonna look out my window and see Harry Styles.

"Listen to your mother, Peyton!" My dad says from the kitchen. I glared at him.


ENGLAND. ******

"Have a great day!" Mr. Jhonson said. I nod and walk out of the classroom. I go to my locker. *Sigh* It's that boring shade of green and its not decorated at all!

:( I look next to me and see two girls whispering. Just great... I assume its about me because they were staring and laughing. They were each on both sides of my locker. G. R. E. A. T!

Then I hear a low raspy voice behind me say "Ello lov-"

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