Chapter 1: The Enigmatic Heir; A Glimpse of Elegance

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The very beginning;

In the heart of Paris, where cobblestone streets whispered tales of romance and artistry, there stood a quaint atelier adorned with the scent of freshly cut fabric and the soft hum of sewing machines. It was here that young Babe Warin spent his earliest years, surrounded by the opulence of haute couture and the gentle guidance of his mother, Amelia Warin, a young half French half Thai woman who had fallen madly for the rich Thai businessman Non Warin.

Amelia was a vision of elegance—a renowned fashion designer whose creations graced the runways of the world's most prestigious fashion shows. But to Babe, she was more than just a designer; she was his muse, his mentor, and above all, his mother.

From the moment Babe was born, it was clear that he was destined for greatness. With his striking features and keen eye for detail, he was the epitome of his mother's artistry—a living canvas upon which she painted her dreams.

As Babe grew, so too did his love for fashion, nurtured by the gentle guidance of his mother. Together, they would spend countless hours in the atelier, lost in a world of fabric and thread, as Amelia imparted her wisdom and skill to her young protégé.

But amidst the glamour of their world, there was a darkness lurking—a darkness that would soon threaten to shatter the idyllic facade of their perfect life. His mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and would pass away tragically leaving babe and his father shattered.

Tragedy struck when Babe was just fourteen years old, casting a dark shadow over his once bright world. His mother, Amelia, fell victim to a sudden cancer—a cruel twist of fate that robbed him of the one person who meant everything to him. Devastated by the loss, Babe withdrew into himself, retreating into a world of silence and solitude. His father, Warin, tried to fill the void left by Amelia's absence, but nothing could ease the pain of losing the woman who had been his everything.

In the wake of his mother's passing, Babe clung to the memories of their time together—the soft touch of her hand, the sound of her laughter, and the gentle lilt of her voice as she whispered words of encouragement and love.

 As Babe grew older, he found solace in the world of fashion—a world that reminded him of his mother and the bond they had shared. Determined to honour her memory, he threw himself into his studies, immersing himself in the artistry and craftsmanship that had defined her life. With each stitch and seam, Babe felt Amelia's presence guiding him, her spirit woven into every fabric and every design. And as he emerged from the shadows of grief, he realised that her legacy lived on not just in his work, but in the love that bound them together, forever.

As the sun set over the rooftops of Bangkok, casting a golden glow upon the city below, Babe stood at the threshold of a new chapter in his life. Armed with the memories of his mother and the lessons she had taught him, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and redemption—a journey that would lead him to the heights of success and the depths of love. And as he looked to the future, Babe knew that no matter where life took him, he would always carry with him the echoes of elegance—the timeless legacy of his beloved mother, Amelia Warin.

 The Meeting with the devil and her heels.

In the bustling halls of the Warin Fashion House department store, where the air was thick with the scent of luxury and ambition, Saran Pawin moved with purpose. As a salesperson in the prestigious establishment, she knew that success was not just a goal—it was a necessity.

It was during one of her routine supervisions that Saran first encountered Non, the charming and charismatic supervisor who held the keys to her future. From the moment their eyes met, she knew that he would be the key to unlocking the doors of opportunity that lay before her.

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