1: The Prince and The Royal Guard

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Beomgyu - Prince
Taehyun - Royal Guard (too tired to make an introduction)

Beomgyu smirked, until he was interrupted by the maids outside knocking onto his door of the bedroom. Beomgyu groans as he stood up from the bed, unlocking the door.

Taehyun watched as Beomgyu stood up, a pout forming on his lips. "What could they possibly want at this hour?" He grumbled, pulling the blanket over himself.

As Beomgyu opened the door, the maid peeks out hesitantly before speaking. "Your Highness, I would like to take you to the dressing room to dress up for the ball tonight as the King's order." The maid explained.

Taehyun rolled his eyes at the interruption. "I'll be there in a moment." He called out, his voice slightly muffled by the blanket. "They can wait." He muttered, sitting up and giving Beomgyu a playful wink before looking away.

"They which means including you." Beomgyu teased as he took Taehyun's hand and lead them to the dressing room. Taehyun chuckled and followed Beomgyu, his eyes scanning over the prince's body appreciatively. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He replied with a smile, his fingers lacing lightly with Beomgyu's.

Once they have arrived to the dressing room, Beomgyu closed the door behind them for privacy as he picks out dress coming from the closet. "What about you pick for me, Tyun?" He suggest.

Taehyun raised an eyebrow, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You really want me to choose?" He asked, walking over to Beomgyu and examining the options. "I suppose I could..."

Beomgyu nods at Taehyun's question, waiting for the dress Taehyun will pick for him. After some careful consideration, Taehyun finally made his choice. "How about this one?" He asked, holding up a deep purple dress that hugged Beomgyu's curves and accentuated his waist perfectly. "It's elegant yet striking, just like you."

Beomgyu blushed at the words, slapping Taehyun's arm in a playful way. "You really know how to pull me, huh?" Beomgyu asks as he took the dress and wore it, undressing himself.

Taehyun chuckled, admiring the way the dress fit Beomgyu. "Well, I've learned a thing or two about what looks good on you." He said confidently, handing Beomgyu a pair of knee-high boots to match the dress.

"You're good at picking." Beomgyu compliments, "I like your style." Beomgyu once again complimented, wearing the knee-high boots as he looked at the mirror. His expression impressed. "I want to match with you." Beomgyu looks at Taehyun with his eyes sparkling.

Taehyun smiled warmly at Beomgyu's compliment. "Thank you, Your Highness. You look absolutely stunning." He said sincerely, admiring the way Beomgyu filled out the dress and boots.

"Let's match tonight for the ball, please." Beomgyu pleads as he held Taehyun's hand gently, not caring whether his father will get angry at either the two of them.

"I'd love to." Taehyun replied, squeezing Beomgyu's hand reassuringly. "We'll make a striking couple." He added with a smile, leaning in to kiss Beomgyu softly on the lips before pulling away.

Beomgyu giggled as he watch Taehyun pick out his matching dress, waiting for him as he sat on the counter with his legs crossed. Taehyun handed Beomgyu a soft, pale blue dress that hugged his curves in all the right places. "Here, try this one on." He said with a smile, watching as Beomgyu got up to change behind the screen in the corner of the room.

"Oh, I like this one." Beomgyu says as he looked at the mirror that's reflecting himself, "What about yours?" Beomgyu asks instead.

"I believe you like it." Taehyun teased, his eyes sparkling with mirth. He then stepped closer to the screen, allowing Beomgyu a good look at him. "As for me, I'll wear this one."

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