립슬 • LipSeul

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Kim Lip x Jo Haseul

Requested by : youagaywolf

Genre : Angst


A Party To Forget

loud chatter could be heard by the front door. Kim Lip was still hesitant about her decision on joining this gathering.

'maybe turning back now is not too late', peeking around to see if any of her highschool friends saw her standing outside of the house, she slowly turned around her back-

"yah Jungeun? Is that you?! Wow it's been so long!!!"

-and was met with a blue betta fish.

"y-yeah it has....Hi Jinsoul", since running away was no use anymore, Kim Lip decided to face them bravely.. well as brave as she could

"Well what are you doing here? Let's get in!" Jinsoul wrapped her hand around Kim Lip's shoulder and they entered the house


"unnie... Do you recognize anybody here?"

Jinsoul let out an awkward laugh, "no actually.. damn Yves is still in contact with so many people! I thought it would just be us 12"

"same here." Kim Lip replied, squeezing her way through to catch up with the blue haired girl.

Jinsouls steps were getting harder to keep up with as the amount of people started running towards Kim Lip's direction increased.

"what-" she barely had time to ask when they ran pass her. All of them.

Kim Lip let out a shriek as her footsteps were forced to follow theirs.

Her mind was blank when suddenly a hand grabbed her arm and helped her out of the crowd.

"sorry! I wasn't paying attention." Jinsoul apologized, letting out a chuckle as she dragged Kim Lip out of the crowd.

"It's fine. What were they running at?" Kim Lip asked as she pushed her way through

"I saw a red envelope flying across the room. Probably that."

Kim Lip only nodded at her reply


"Hey Chuu!" Jinsoul smiled at the girl who has a penguin emoji saved on her contact name in her phone

"Hey Jin!" Chuu smiled widely. Gesturing the drinks she made just a while ago to the both of them.

"Hi Jiwoo, it's been a while" Kim Lip greeted as she took the drink

"Aw I missed you too!" she smiled with her eyes.

"let's go to the others, they're just by the corner"


They finally arrived at the living room where only 7 of them were at.

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