Chapter 11 | Changes

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In the morning Mary woke up later than usual. The sun was shining bright from behind the planks on the window. The girl looked closely and noticed that it was raining. She turned around expecting Alexander's body to be there, but it wasn't. She reached for her phone laying on the nightstand. 9.15 o'clock. That's when her body reminded her of what happened that night. The girl sat down and grabbed her underwear and a t-shirt from the floor. Mary tried standing up but her legs were shaking. She managed to somehow leave the bedroom and go downstairs. She heard some noises coming from the kitchen. When she went in she saw Alexander cooking something and hugged him from behind.

"Did you sleep well, pumpkin?" He asked.

"Yes" the girl kissed his neck and looked around. This was the first time she had been in his kitchen. It was the smallest room in the entire house and had the shape of a narrow rectangle. Opposite the entrance were counters, cabinets and a small bar stool. Thanks to the window, the countertops were well lit. Everything was in dark colours. She sat down on the bar stool and followed every move Casmid made.

"Maybe you should go back to bed" he suggested. "It's still early."

"You took my ability to walk and now you want me to climb the stairs? No thank you" the girl rolled her eyes.

"I can carry you if you let me" the man walked up to her and grabbed her waist.

"Actually" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I would love it."

Alexander giggled and lifted her almost effortlessly. He took a few steps and stopped.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Do you want to lay on the sofa instead?"

Mary nodded and he laid her down and covered with a blanket. He then left and soon came back with a bowl and a cup of tea. He made some sort of salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumber, onion and some salt and pepper. He also brought a few slices of white bread with butter and a portion of a salad for himself.

"Enjoy" he kissed her cheek and opened his laptop laying on the coffee table in front of them. A silver device covered in various stickers so the brand was not visible. Pretty cute. He was doing something on it and Mary followed every move his hands made. When she remembered the way they felt on her body her cheeks turned red. She looked at his chest, then down to his crotch. She zoned out a little thinking about everything that they did. Suddenly Alexander cleared his throat.

"What are you looking at, pumpkin?"

"Nothing" she came back to eating her salad. "I got lost in thought. That's all."

The man looked at her sceptically, but went back to using his laptop in silence. Mary started eating faster. She didn't even notice when the bowl was empty.

"Do you want to watch something?" He broke the silence.

"I can't" she put her bowl down on the coffee table. "I have to go. My mother would be mad that I don't sleep at home."

"There's no need" he put the laptop back where it was before. "I'll walk you home when it stops raining. I told you it's on me."

"If you insist" she grabbed her cup of tea. "But you're on your own with this one."

The man giggled and opened Netflix in his browser.

"Make up your mind" he got up. "I'm back in no time."

He headed upstairs and she looked at the laptop's screen. She had no idea what to watch. Normally she would just watch whatever Netflix recommended or chose randomly. After a few seconds she decided on a second option. Casmid's homepage was way different than hers. All the crime documentaries made her sick. She wasn't surprised though. What was he supposed to do after he got fired? He didn't seem to have a lot of friends to hang out with. Actually, the only person she ever saw him with was Stefan. This old, obsessed with communism, alcoholic was giving her the creeps. Maybe that's the only person in town who didn't judge Alexander based on rumours? She had Lucy and Jackson. It seemed that they were both losers with no social life. That's probably why they loved being together so much. She passed horror after horror waiting for something normal to appear. And then it happened. A face of young Johnny Depp and a title filled the screen. "Secret Window''. She watched it already. The girl froze and started trembling. A tear ran down her face. And another one. And one or two more. Alexander came back and sat down next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. She buried her face in his chest and cried.

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