Note from the author!!

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Okay so at first I wasn't taking this seriously and it was an inside joke between my sis to ship these two but now since it's getting slightly popular I'm gonna start focusing on it more.


The main characters;

Fake beekirigiri - FleshCousin of the user beekirigiri

Beekirigiri - the user

Wallter - Regretevator character #1

Mannequin Mark - Regretevator character #2

Others - Bugbo, the pile of balls, Split, Emerson and other Regretevator canon characters


The symbols;

" is used for talking or writing. Talking like this means explaining the actions from the perspective.

* is used for sound effects, paired with talking like this.

talking like this means thinking

talking like this means emphasizing

talking like this means emphasizing while thinking


This started because when me and my sis were playing Regretevator, FleshCousin walked in (Fake beekirigiri) while wallter was already in the elevator, and when wallter & FleshCousin were talking me and my sis started shipping them, which turned into the ship name; "Fake Wallbee". Later on beekirigiri left the elevator and Mannequin Mark came in instead so we both started shipping them again and we named it "Wallmark". So basically before we even knew that ship existed (if it even existed before) we created Wallmark !!

also, the story can change to Wallter's, Mark's, Fake Beekirigiri's, Beekirigiri's POV's or just third person. This will mostly depend on the plot.

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