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"Y/n, I can't stop thinking about you. I love you so much!" Nidal said, tears streaming down his face.

Winston came up behind him and gave him a rose that he handed to me. I hugged him.

"I love you too, Nidal!" I said sobbing.

"Y/N!" Winston shouted.

"Y/n!" He shouted again.

I jumped out of bed, and Jiji stood over me.

"Jiji, you terrified me!" I said, standing up.

"I just needed to get your opinion on which blush I should wear. I quite like the cherry, but like, is it too much? Then there's the blossom like that is cheifs kiss!" She yapped.

"What! You seriously woke me up just to ask about a blush! I think you should go with cherry, by the way, but still!" I complained.

"Thanks!" Jiji said and ran out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen and poured out some cereal. Nidal rolled in. I chocked on my food and fell off the chair when I saw him.

"Woah, Y/n you good down there?" He asked.

I quickly scrambled up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great. Thanks for asking. Fine! I'm fine!" I yelled and ran out of the room.

I could see Nidal looking confused.

I ran outside to the ducks and picked up  Pebbles.

"What is wrong with me, Pebs!" I said, sitting down.

"Why is it so weird around Nidal now! Yes, the dream I had was really weird, but like it's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything... wait, Winston, can you speak!" I said, looking at the duckling splashing around in the pool.

"I'm going mad!" I said and put Pebbles down.

"Sure, looks like it." Neshan said from the other side of the fence.

"Oh, shush your mush!" I said, standing up and hoping over the fence.

He raised his brows at my sentence.

"I need to talk to Salish, bye." I said and ran into the house.

"You so have a crush on him!" Salish giggled.

"Uh no..." I said.

"You so do! This is amazing Y/n that means my two good friends can get together. That would be so cute!" She rambled.

"How about no?" I replied.

"No to what?" Nidal said from the doorway.

I screamed and chucked my phone across the room.

"Sorry, Salish, are you okay!" I said, running over to my phone.

"No! That was so rude. I think I've broken my neck!" She joked.

I said bye and hung up.

"Nidal, what is wrong with me today!" I groaned, flopping onto my bed.

"I don't know. Are you like, you know?" He asked.

"What, no!" I said.

"Alright, just asking!" He said, putting his hands up.

"Maybe you've come to realise how hot I am!" He said, pulling a face.

I threw a pillow at him, and it missed him by quite a bit.

"Missed." He said.

"Yeah, I think I know that!" I said.

"Want to go on a walk?" He asked.

"If by walk you mean me pushing you around the village, then yes." I responded, getting up and hopping off the bed.

"Knew you couldn't resist me!" He said, smirking.

"Oh shut it!" I said, rolling my eyes.

Sorry for not updating in agggeeesss. I hope this makes up for it 🙏

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now