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Welcome all SatoGou shippers (and multishippers like me) to this oneshot book!...That I made impulsively. Again.

Oh and I was also inspired by @monbyrm so go check their book out.

Anyway rules are down below:

1: No NSFW stuff.

2: No triggering topics like...well you know what they are hopefully-

3: If you do have a request and want Gou's name spelled a certain way please let me know. (Gou is my default spelling because Goh just feels wrong to me.)

4: The level of Ash being a dense little boy varies between oneshots.

5: They aren't connected unless I say so, or people want a part 2.

6: I don't think there's gonna be any language in here, but just in case, this is your warning.

That's all from me, so enjoy these oneshots!


SatoGou Oneshots (Requests Open!)Where stories live. Discover now