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≫ ─────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ─────── ≪

warnings01 : strong language02 : mentions of gore03 : stalking04 : slight nsfw , just suggestive05 : dark gorey thoughts(by yk who)06 : yandere behavior07 : TENSIONNNNNN

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01 : strong language
02 : mentions of gore
03 : stalking
04 : slight nsfw , just suggestive
05 : dark gorey thoughts
(by yk who)
06 : yandere behavior


MUSIC PLAYED in the background as my back was hunched over the desk. I was bored out of my mind, wondering when my parents would be able to leave this place. I wish Hu Tao was here. She had to leave the house and temporarily move into her parent's house because of mine. It was all sudden that my parents were here. They suddenly showed up and demanded a place to stay for the time being. Of course, I couldn't decline.

I let out a sigh, turning my chair around to pick up the remote and skip the current song. But I was about to do so, and a notification from my phone broke me out of my trance. I looked down at my phone and grinned upon seeing a message from Hu Tao.

'we're outside open your window'

Does that mean Kazuha will be there as well?

I stood up so quickly, that my chair almost fell over, and rushed to my window in excitement. My eyes pierce through the glass pane to see outside. Hu Tao wasn't lying. They really are here. I switch my gaze through every person in the group, a wide smile on my face. Hu Tao, surprisingly Scaramouche, that big Oni guy...

But that wide smile faltered when I realized something.

He wasn't there.

Swallowing a lump in my throat, I hurry to open the window and peek my head out to the outside world. I breathe in the breeze dancing through me, letting out a sigh of relief. "What are your guys doing here?" I ask, giggling as they continue to wave and even hold up a sign that says 'We miss you y/n.'

Lumine raised the sign higher—well, attempted to. Itto lifted it for her and held a finger that pointed at the words. I laughed upon seeing that even Thoma brought homemade soup. But my laugh was near to faltering when I remembered that he wasn't present. "So are you leaving and coming to the study group?" Ayaka shouted, a freshly knitted sweater in her hands.

Oh, yeah. I can't even leave and get the stuff they want me to get. I sigh, massaging my temples with the pads of my fingers. "I can't go, remember?" I remind them, "I'm grounded."

☆ stay quiet ━━ yandere k. kazuha x reader .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now