Chapter 33

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"Taehyung, I think---" Seojoon barged in the room but his sentence was stopped when a gun was directed in his head.

Taehyung stopped what he was about to do.

Jungkook looked at the door and saw Yeonjun with his gun pointed on Seojoon's head. Seojoon had his hands raised as Yeonjun took all of his items away from him, including his guns.

"It's been a long time, Jungkook-ssi." Yeonjun said as he looked at Jungkook.

"Yeonjunnie!!!" Seokjin said seeing Yeonjun. He finally thought he was able to breathe.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked.

Instead of speaking, Yeonjun looked at the door when another man came in. Knowing who the man is, Taehyung pointed his gun at Seokjin.

"Let Seojoon go or I will kill Seokjin." He said.

Instead of doing what was said, Heechul just laughed at him.

"You have not killed anyone in your life, Kim Taehyung-ssi." Heechul said.


"You are now safe, my baby." Heechul said as more of his men came and untied Jungkook and Seokjin.

Taehyung's eyes widened by what Heechul said and the people coming in. He instantly got scared.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked.

"Isn't it obvious. I am here to save my grandson." Heechul said.

When Seokjin was untied, he immediately ran to Jungkook and hugged him.

Guns were now pointed at Seojoon and Taehyung.

When Jungkook was finally untied, he was about to charge to hurt Taehyung but was stopped by Mr. Kim.

"I gave my order nicely, Jungkook." Heechul said looking at the man.

Jungkook controlled his temper.

"He almost raped, Seokjin! I will kill him raw and make sure---"

"You cannot kill Seokjin's brother!" Heechul said which stopped everyone.

Seokjin and Jungkook looked at his grandfather hoping he was not serious.

Heechul looked at Taehyung again. "We might need to discuss this more at home." Heechul said. "Yeonjun, take them all. Jinnie, go with Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin in the hospital. All of you will need some care. I just need to talk to Taehyung." Heechul said at his grandson, caressing his face before leaving a kiss at his forehead. "Take care of your future husband, okay?"

Upon hearing that, Seokjin's senses were back and he immediately looked at Jungkook's state. He helped him to get up and kissed his cheek.

"Let's go, Kookie?" Seokjin said.

Jungkook nodded and held on Seokjin's shoulder for support, even though he doesn't need it, he just wanted to make sure that Seokjin is closed by him.


When Jungkook woke up, he saw that he was in a hospital room. He looked around and was relieved upon seeing Seokjin, sleeping beside him holding his hand.

"I told him not to sleep beside you, but he said you won't like it if you won't see him when you wake up." Heechul said getting Jungkook's attention.

"Mr. Kim. I am sorry, I did not mean to---"

"You led me to my lost grandson. You don't need to be sorry." Heechul said. "I owe you and Seokjin a lot of explanation but you'll have to get better first. We have worked on telling your professors about what happened. You and Seokjin can stay here in Busan for a week while you get better. Despite of what Taehyung and his men did to you, turned out you don't have any fracture nor internal bleeding that we need to watch out for." Heechul said.

"How about Jimin and Namjoon?" Jungkook asked, worried also about the two.

"Both are also awake now. The three of you have thick skins and bones. None of you are facing any serious injuries. Jinnie's friends are with them right now. I told the men to allow them since it seems like they already have a hint of what is happening." Heechul said.

Jungkook felt Seokjin moved a little beside him.

"Hal-abeoji, do not stress my boyfriend yet. He is still wounded." Jin said with a pout after yawning.

"Jinnie, your grandfather was just telling me about Namjoon and Jimin." Jungkook explained.

"Why are you even awake? You should still be asleep to gain more energy. The doctor said you need rest." Seokjin said with furrowed brows.

"Baby, just lying here is already a rest. I can't just keep on sleeping." Jungkook answered.

"Hal-abeoji, tell him. You need to command him to sleep." Seokjin told his grandfather.

"Jinnie, if you want him to sleep better, you need to move away from his bed. He can't sleep well if you keep on hugging him like a koala." Heechul said.

"But he said he is always having a good night sleep when we sleep together. We always do this in our apartment." Seokjin said.

Jungkook's eyes widened by the revelation of his boyfriend to his own grandfather. Jungkook got scared and he knows this time he will die.

He looked at Mr. Kim with fear in his eyes but instead of being mad at them, Heechul suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing, Hal-abeoji? I am not saying any joke to you! I am honest. Kookie, you have to talk and tell my grandfather the truth. He thinks I am joking and this is not good." Seokjin said as he sat and looked angrily.

"Jungkook will not say anything, Jinnie. He is scared I will get mad." Heechul said still laughing.

Jungkook was blushing and did not know what to say. Being cornered by the Kims is not a good thing.

"Kookie, my grandfather thinks I am lying." Seokjin said with a pout.

"No, Jinnie, I don't think you are lying." His grandfather said again with a laugh seeing Jungkook speechless for the first time.

"Then why are you laughing?" Seokjin asked his grandfather.

"Jungkook's reaction is just funny." Heechul said.

"Don't laugh at my boyfriend!" Seokjin said at his grandfather.

"Baby, you can't shout at your grandfather like that." Jungkook said.

Seokjin just pouted at him.

"Just make sure to use condom since Seokjin is still a student, Jungkook." Heechul said.

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Mr. Kim, it's not what you think----"

"I told you Hal-abeoji would agree. Hal-abeoji, can you suggest the best condom to buy for Jungkook? I don't think he knows what condom to use since he said I am not ready yet. Maybe he is the one who is not ready because he can't choose the right condom." Seokjin said.

Heechul tried to control his laughter hearing what Seokjin was saying. His grandson is truly adorable and Jungkook takes care of him so well. "I will send some to him, including lubes." Heechul said.

"I have lubes at home, hal-abeoji."

"You do?" Jungkook asked with wider eyes, if that's even possible.

"I used it for my toys." Seokjin said.

Heechul laughed and said. "You are truly a Kim. I will let you deal with him, Jungkook. Seems like you two have a lot of things to talk about which I refuse to hear at this time." Heechul said before standing up from his seat and leaving the two, with a blushing Jungkook and an excited Seokjin. "By the way, Jungkook, looks like you need to sign the documents I gave to you last time. I think things are progressing faster than I thought." Heechul said with a chuckle before totally closing the door to Jungkook's room.

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