Sun After the Rain - Chapter I

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Every country has their own superstitions or tales. Some of them are dark tales, and lucky tales. Well, we have different superstitions due to the fact that we're not living in the same culture.




Have you heard the rumors?



The mystery rumors about the rainbows?

You don't know?

"Uhmmm... Yeahhh, never heard of it." Simeon said.

Simeon Barnes is a college student who has Short and Black Hair, Black Eyes and always wears glasses, Taller but a little bit pale, and lastly a bibliophile.

"How Come! my mother used to tell me some humor about it when I was a Child." Lian said

Lian Migrada is also a college student who has blonde, curly and long hair, Black Eyes, we're just the same in height, glow skin NOT PALE, and a melomaniac.

"Come on Lian, it's just an old superstition. We're psychology students, remember? We're not supposed to believe in those tales." Trixie said.

Trixie Hargomes is also a college student and she's also a Simeon girlfriend, she has a black, straight and short hair, Black Eyes, Two inches shorter than Simeon, Glow Skin and also a bibliophile.

"So what's the superstition about?" Simeon said.

They can't believe that Simeon would ask something like that. It sounds like he's more interested than not believing it. Well can't deny it after all Simeon and her girlfriends are different. Simeon likes fiction and historical books while Trixie likes Nonfiction and self help books.

"Ohhh really!? Whatever!" Trixie said as she put her things in her desk and sat beside Simeon.

"Well, they said that there is a treasure at the end of the rainbow."

"Sounds fiction," Trixie said.

Trixie was not really interested in such a fiction story so no wonder she would say something like that.

"They said that at the end of the rainbow, there's an old and abandoned house standing there and inside of that house, there's a ton of gold all over the place."

Trixie raised her hand and said, "sounds Fake, if that was true then it might be reported in the news."

Well, she's right. If that was true, a lot of reporters won't waste their time to lose that biggest opportunity.

"Because, the old abandoned house appears and disappears as the rainbow appears and disappears." Lian said.

"Now sounds childish." Trixie said.

"Sounds cool!" Simeon said.

"So, would you like to make sure that superstition was real?" Lian asked.

A shining sparks all over his eyes as if he's really curious about it. As if he really believes that tale and is excited to check if it was real. As if he's not a psychology student.

"Simeon, are you for real? Do you really believe that tale!?"

"I want to see it with my own eyes!" Simeon said in excitement.

"Then why don't we start now." Lian said with a smile on her face.

After Lian said those words, A heavy storm suddenly came up. A sound of the mad thunder, and a billion drops of the rain was heard.

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