Now you've done it~

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Chan walked into the room, tired and sweating from playi with the younger members. He noticed minho sitting on his phone, scrolling through twitter. "Hey minho, can you go hang out with the youngers for a while? Im tired and they got me chasi after them." chan asked, walking over to minho and sitting next to him.

Minho slightly growned at the thought of chasing around after his members. He was salsa tired after a long day of schedules. "Nooo hyung, I dont want to hang out with them. They're gonna drive me insane. You deal with it." Chan was shocked. He did not expect his younger to respond the way he did. "What?- why are you being like that?" Chan said, looking at minho and nudging at his shoulder. "Cant you just help me out? I always lend you a hand!!"

"Noooo, Im busy." minho continued to scroll on Twitter, scooting away after the oldest has nudged his arm. Chan rolled his eyes and got up. "Youre busy scrolling on your phone? Thats not very nice lino. I might have to punish you for that." At that, channie immediately took minho"s phone and threw it at the other couch to the side of him, then pushing his younger gently to the floor and straddling him. Minho knew what Chan already had planned. He got nervous immediately.

"H-Hyung wait! Im sorry im sorry, I'll help you out-" he managed to spit out, trying his best not to release the nervous giggles he already had packed in his throat. "Oh well, how convenient is that? I think I gotta show you a lesson either way." Chan smirked. At that point, Minho was already a puddle. How was he gonna get out of this? Welp, he'd have to just deal with it for now. Minho was lost in thought when Chan suddenly began to attack his sides, causing lino to shriek and burst into loud giggles. "H-HyhAHAHAHAHAHAAHA HYUHUHUHUHUNNGG-" the poor boy thrashed around. Screaming, giggling, and trying to grab his hyungie's evil hands. But no use, he was stuck in a tickle trap. "Yes Lino? Is something the matter?" Chan teased, mercilessly kneading the spot where his ribs and sides meet and drilling his thumb into his sides softly. Minho was already going wild. The poor boy was already going red, and the tickling had just begun. "IHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY IHIHIHIM SOHOHOHOHOHORRY" he managed to scream through fits of laughter. Channie on the other hand, he wasn't buying it. "Are you? Are you reeeally sorry? I don't believe it." The oldest stopped for a moment, grabbing the youngest's arms and raising them over his head, pinning them there. Lino looked up as his hands were being pinned. His worst spot about to be attacked, he panicked. "H-Hyung nonono- hyung hYu-HyHUHAUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" His sentence was cut short, due to some evil hands deciding to spider up and down his armpits. "Awww, is little Minho too ticklish here? ~" The oldest teased, watching was his lee started getting redder due to his teases. "Look how cute you are! Giggling and squirming under the slightest touches~" he continued, only spidering faster. "I'm sure it doesn't tickle that badly! You can't be THAT ticklish, right? ~" Minho was kicking his legs at that point. He was totally defeated. "OKAHAHAY IHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY!! FOHOHOR REHEHEALS!!" he squeaked out. Chan giggled at Minho's reaction. "Will you hang out with the babies for me then?" he asked, slowing down his tickling process a bit to give Minho some room to talk. "YEHEHES YEHEHES IHIHIHI WIHIHILL!! IHI SWEHEHEAR!!" the youngest said after taking about 30 seconds to respond due to his rapid laughter. At that, Chan stopped his attack, getting off Minho and helping him up. "Why thank you very much, kind sir!!" he said, smiling innocently at the still red boy. Minho let out a few more giggles before replying.. "s-suhuhure, anyt-thing for you!" he said, about to run out of the room until Chan grabbed his arm and gave him a hug. Smiling, Minho hugged him back, but unsure if Chan was gonna tickle him again. He stayed on his toes. "You're so cute when you're tickled. Ahh, off with you now. Thanks again for your help." Chan said, smiling. All Minho could do was blush and look down before walking out of the room to find the others. Chan sat back down at the couch and began watching a movie, only to fall asleep after 10 minutes. As for Minho, he's having a good time with the other members. It turned out to be a very fun night for them both. Also being a very tiring one at the same time.


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