chapter ten

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REALLY SORRY for not updating

I was admitted in the hospital for like 'FIVE FREAKING DAYS' and they didn't let me use my phone for real😭
I am finally discharge not fully recovered but yeah🥲
Sorry for a short chapter

Anyways back to the story


With Junhao


"I can't believe I trusted someone who was just playing with my feelings" I was talking to myself in washroom.
"He is just like Yuanyun , I shouldn't have trusted him how foolish i am."


[ yuanyun = minghao's ex name who just wanted to play with minghao's feeling and left him for some other girl ]
( i couldn't think of a Chinese name considering i am not a Chinese so i search it up and yuanyun showed up)


I saw myself in mirror and I was looking like shit right now having red and puffy eyes by crying my heart out for nothing but getting cheated second time by someone, who you trusted and regret.

Past memories and flashback were the only things I could think of regretting every single decision I made, every single second I spend with him, trusting him and in return getting dumped by him.

Because of crying I started to feel dizzy and tired. So, I came out of the bathroom and went towards  bed to sleep.

Jun's POV

I came inside my room and a familiar figure of none other than Minghao sleeping on my bed alone while hugging the pillow beside him.
I already knew i made a huge mistake in specific I fucked up.
Cause he can't sleep alone.
She came out of nowhere.

(Pata nhi kha se tapak jate hai ese log apna muh utha ke)

I don't even remember how many times I rejected her already. She is not leaving me. She thinks she is the most beautiful person on the earth, but I am not even 1 per-cent attracted to her. 
For me minghao is the most beautiful person to be born.

I went towards the bed.
His face was hidden by his long bangs, I softly tucked his hairs behind his ears and saw dry tear marks, puffy and red eyes, reddish pink nose, it broke my heart seeing the love of my life in this state.
I lay next to him and wrap my hands around his waist pulling him closer.
Feeling someones presence beside him, He opened his eyes and stared at me with cold and emotionless expressions for few seconds before pushing me away but I tightened my grip and pull him more closer. " leave me you cheater" he said punching my chest with his small and soft hands while tears flowing from his eyes.
"No baby, hear me out first" I cupped his face wiping his tears away.
"First calm down amd stop crying, I am here with you" I said and he slowly started to calm down "W-ho wa-s s-he" he said while sobbing "She was nothing to me, I rejected her hundreds of time still she is not leaving me." I said.

( lagta hai sirf hath nhi puri ki puri body dhoke piche padi hai)

" I am warning you If I saw that woman again near you I will not hesitate to kill her on the spot" he said angrily which I found cute.
" Why are you jealous" I asked teasingly.
"of course you are only mine, no one can touch you except me" he replied before hugging me tightly.
"Now sleep it's already late " he ordered me to sleep.
"but I have some work " i said.
"You can do that later, just spend some time with me right now" he said and I just agreed.


With Minwoo

Mingyu's POV

I went inside my room finding Wonwoo already asleep. I went near him, and pull him in my embrace. He opened his eyes and hug me back sleeping again.

"Baby you are not angry right?" I asked hesitatinly.

"Why would I? " He replied in his deep and husky sleepy voice.

"Because of tzuyu" I asked him in low voice.

" No gyu I am not angry, I know you will not leave me or cheat on me but if she cling onto you then I probably kill her" he said in soft tone which turn into threatening voice at last.
I kissed him and pull him closer.


Only 760 words

Sorry if I disappoint you all but hope you all understand my condition

Hope you like this chapter

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Byeee ❤️

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