Hi my name is hope baxter r. Im 12 years old. I have 2 sisters, faye aged 14 and brooke aged 15. We were in care all our lives. Well when i say we i mean me. If i wasnt born faye and brooke would still be at home with mom swimming in a private pool and getting pamperd. But then i came along and mom decided she didnt like us any more. So she put me in a moses basket and made faye and brooke leave too. Atleast that's what faye says when shes in a bad mood. Faye has long blonde hair with blue eyes and brooke has brown hair and brown eyes. Me i have redish brown hair and green eyes. When we came to elm tree house a girl called tee gave us nicknames. Brooke the brave, faye the pretty nad then her brother johnny butted in and said hope the monster. I could've punched him looking back at it. Now i am in a pinky dopey room owned by carmen howle or as i call her carmen growle. We've been here 2 months and i feel weird. In the first week of being in elm tree or the dumping groung well im just gonna call it the d. G. Anyway we went with mr and mrs tumind they were ok not what id call parent people but brooke liked their house and made me keep quiet about anything bad i had to say believe me i once told our foste mother caren
to shove herself into her stinkin oatmeal pudding and put it to bake. God that woman annoyed me. Next was caren well what i said about the pudding im not saying i regret it bit once her nephew heard he bashed my head against the cold concrete. I ended up going to hospital over the turnip and to make it worse i got 9 stitches. Faye liked caren alot so caren fostered her. Then mrs turnid came back and said she had a divorce and wanted brooke now iwas all alone
Hope Baxter
Randomhope has been in care all her life. her sisters get fostered and she kept all her feelings bundled up inside until she makes a very risk taking phone call that could change her life FIND OUT IN HOPE BAXTER