Chapter 22 - INTERVIEW

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Hii guys ! How are you ?

I have a question, do you like it when there is dialogues in French ? Do you want me to continue translating each time ?

I'm French so I really don't mind, where are you from ?

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter even it's not the happiest

Also, little bad news but I think I'll post every other day now; I don't have much time to write at the moment.

Byee, M



Max's POV

Renee left a few days ago, and ever since I dropped her off at the airport on Sunday morning, things between us have been unusually quiet. We exchanged obligatory texts - her letting me know she landed, me saying I'm back in London, but that's about it. Nothing much beyond the basics. Was it the crazy attention we got that put a weird vibe between us, or is there something else going on? It's like there's this unspoken tension hanging around, and I'm not sure how to deal with it. But at the same time, I miss her. I miss our easy chats and just being around her. So, I'm debating whether to shoot her a message, see if we can break this weird silence and get back to normal.

I mean, she's got a lot to handle with her return to the US. She is probably very busy with planning upcoming shows, record sessions, interviews, and possibly even movie shoots.

And with Coachella around the corner, it's no wonder she's keeping busy. Maybe I'm just overthinking things, giving her some space to handle everything might be the best move. I'll just hang back for now and see how things go.

... time skip ...

Lola's unexpected call interrupted my day.

FR: "Tu as vu l'interview ?"

EN : "Did you see the interview?" she blurted.

FR: "Quelle interview?

EN: "What interview?" I replied, caught off guard.

FR: "Donc non, je t'envois le lien"

"So no, I'll send you the link," she said before ending the call.

I received the link to a new interview with Renee, which had just been released a few hours ago. Curious, I clicked on the video.

As I listen to her speak, I realize how much I missed the sound of her voice. Renee has always been such a joy to watch. As she often jokes, her lack of media training is simply outrageous. Despite that, she's been improving, but she still manages to maintain that genuine, honest side that I've always admired so much.

Renee is seated on a plush, cream-colored armchair positioned in the center of the room, facing the camera directly. She sits with one leg casually draped over the arm of the chair, her posture relaxed yet composed. Her body language exudes confidence, with her back straight and shoulders squared, projecting an air of self-assurance.

Across from Renee, the interviewer is seated in a sleek, modern chair, positioned slightly off to the side of the camera's view. They lean forward attentively, their gaze fixed on Renee as they listen intently to her responses. Despite their position off-camera, their presence is palpable, adding depth and engagement to the interview.

The interviewer guides the conversation smoothly, discussing Renee's previous album and the success of her recent tour across the US. Then, the discussion shifts to her upcoming plans for Europe. But it's when my name unexpectedly falls from the interviewer's lips I feel an electroshock.

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