Chapter 1: Training (Hollypaw's POV)

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Hello! This is my first story so uh- hope you enjoy it
(Or try to lol)
I'm rlly sorry if my text don't match the personalities of the actual characters and it's probably because I suck. :c

PS: Each chapter is Hollyleaf's or Cinderheart's pov. So first POV is Hollyleaf!

I woke up in the apprentices den. My head feeling a bit drowsy. I see my friend, Cinderpaw beside me. She's still sleeping. Maybe I'll chat with her later. I get up and I hear my mentor, Brackenfur, calling me. "Hollypaw! Time for training!" He said.
I groan and stand up. It's still early in the morning. My paws felt heavy with exhaustion. Did I not sleep well last night? I shook my head and padded over towards my mentor. "Hi, Brackenfur." I mewed. My head spinning.

"Are you ready to train? You look.. different than what you always do." He said with concern. Why would he question me about my condition? I just want it to be done and chat with Cinderpaw after.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I try to tell Brackenfur. Licking my chest. "Uhm.. alright. Go and grab a piece of fresh-kill first. Then we can go hunting." My mentor told me. I sigh with relief and walk over towards the fresh-kill pile. I realize im really hungry. I grab a squirrel from the pile and gobble it up in a few mouthfuls.

Licking my lips, I walk back over to Brackenfur. "Are you sure your ready?" He said in a kind of teasing tone. "I'm ready. Let's go hunt now." I tell him. Still, I kind of miss being in the medicine cat den with Leafpool. Sorting herbs, healing other cats, I honestly liked the herby scent of the herbs. Actually, no. I have to do warrior training. I shake my head and continue walk with Brackenfur

"So, Hollypaw. Tell me, can you smell anything?" Brackenfur asked me. I sniffed the air. Focusing my smell on any prey scents. "I think I smell squirrel." I meow. Brackenfur said "Yes. It's fresh. Now, where do you think the squirrel is?" I point with my nose at the direction I smelled the scent. "Over there." Brackenfur nodded. "Try to catch it"

I nod and crouch down. "Remember, light on your paws." I couldn't hear what else he was saying. All I could hear was muffled meows. I focused on the prey, and I pounced up. The squirrel noticed me but it was too late. I already caught it and killed it with a sharp bite.

I sat up, and thanked Starclan for the prey. Then after that I walked towards my mentor. "Wow, Hollypaw. I didn't really finish talking and you already caught the squirrel before I knew it. Great job!" He praised. But then suddenly he sat down. It looked like he was thinking about something. But what was he thinking about? Was it my hunting technique? Or how I got that squirrel? Or how I was... behaving.

SORRY THIS ONE WAS SO SHORT! I had no more ideas and I wanted it to end like that. Just didn't expect it to be short. Anyways, hop onto the next chapter! 😃 ^^

Word count: 547

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