41 - Jeju

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My dear J

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My dear J.

I didn't want to write on this last page, I never wanted to say goodbye.
But then, the other day, I came across a nice, old bookstore. At the backroom, there was a shelf full of black notebooks, just like this one.
It made me realize that this is just another little notebook, it is not you.
It's been a nice support to me, and it helped me go through dark and rough days, but - it's not you.
You are not a material object that
I could lose or misplace or accidentally switch with someone. You're a beautiful memory and you'll always be with me. We don' need a notebook for that. So, today, I'll say goodbye to the book and let it go.

If you're watching me from above,
I know you're laughing at my hopeless romantic side. And I can tell you, Jessie, that things are good,
really good, and I'm doing well.

Forever yours, Felix


Felix closes the book, and looks to the sea. Hyunjin is getting out of the water and walking through small waves forming around his legs.
He's smiling, happy as a kid on a summer vacation, and yells to Felix:

- We are staying here on Jeju forever!

- Oh, are we? Should I call Chan and tell him so?

- He can live here on Jeju too!

- Sure, we can move the whole company here, and all the idols...

- Why not? As long as we have a room to practice and a studio to record...

- I think you spent too much time in the sun.

- No, I didn't. It was not enough!
And you put so much sun screen on me, I think I killed all the fish in the sea.

He loves when Hyunjin gets all smiley, and forgets about the work. Even though he loves his work, it's good to just take a break sometimes.
And if he starts getting sunburn, there is one easy way to get him out of the beach.

- Mmm... I really want to kiss you now, Jinnie.

- Ok, enough of the beach. Let's go back to the hotel.

And so they quickly pick up their stuff and rush back to their room. Felix walks behind Hyunjin and his eyes lazily check out that pretty butt in swim trunks. He quietly comments:

- We could have some fun in the shower, you know...

- Yes! We definitely should!
The last night...

- Oh no, was I too rough?

- No, it was just the perfect amount of rough. Didn't I show you how much I loved it?

Felix's brow just lifts up knowingly.

- Mhmm.. you did.

- But you have so much energy, Felix, where do you get all that energy from?

- Oh, that is all your fault. You're too sexy.

- Yeah, I'm sexy. - he wiggles his shoulders and shoots an irresistible smile. - But some parts are for your eyes only.

- The best parts!

They enter their room suite and slam the door behind them.
At the middle of the room stands a fancy table with all kinds of delicious food, desserts, and wine.

- Oh right, I forgot! - Hyunjin speaks while Felix looks in a surprise. - It's been six months since you brought my notebook back, so I think we should celebrate that half-year anniversary.

- Aww... that's so noice.
Six months since you posted that live message and made me fall desperately in love with you.

- Well... technically, I fell first.

- No, it was me who fell first. When I saw your video post. You looked so hot with your sleepy face and kissable lips... - says Felix and approaches the said lips.

- Nahh, it was me who fell first, before we even met. Your notebook made me fall for you. Therefore, I fell first.

- Yes, but I desired you, and wished to meet someone like you, and that's why you came to me. I wanted you first.

- No, I was the fir—

But Hyunjin doesn't finish his sentence because Felix is kissing him madly.
He falls on the bed and welcomes the irresistible kissing monster in his arms.

It doesn't matter anyway who fell first, as long as they end up being each other's forever love.


Yes, yes, I used the famous Hyunjin quote when he said:
"I want to be someone's last love, not first love, because love is meant to be eternal."

It's you who just melted, not me.


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