28. 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒇𝒂𝒔𝒕. (16+)

846 22 2

Y/n's Perspective —

I opened my eyes feeling an string pulling in my head, where I am? I groaned in my sleep and sit straight on the bed while my eyes roam around the room searching or trying to recorizing the room.

My eyes is heavy so I just lay down on the bed again covering myself with the warm and cosy blanket, i love the warth of my blanket. My phone's notification ring up grabing my attention.

I take my phone from the nightstand and unlock it. It is an notification from Twitter. What tweet is this? This one is about Jeon.

I click on the notification and it soon open, i read the title.

'Last night wife of the biggest and most famous business globally Jeon Jungkook proposed him in drunk state.'

My eyes widen as I read the title, did I messy up? I am messed up today. How am I supposed to face him? I am feeling embarassing. I played the video and heard myself saying those shameful words.

But my heart full up with warmth when I heard him accepting my proposal with his sweet smile. This bunny is always win my heart. A smile crept on my face.

"Have breakfast.", I heard a voice which made me jolt up and sit straight on the bed. I saw nothing but JEON JUNGKOOK siting on the couch infront of the bed applying butter on the toast.

"From how long you're here?", I asked quickly, my embarrassment is already gone. He smriked, moving forward to me. I noticed he is wearing a white shirt with sleeves rolled up to elbow, the shirt is nicely tugged in his black pants while he is wearing his casual black shoes.

His hairs is messy and looks a little wet, a smirk tugged up on the corner of his face as he continued to move towards me. He sit in front of me on his knees pressing the mattress down.

"From the last night, I heard everything you were mumbbling about me in your dreams.", He smriked, his eyes stared into mine deeply.

He stared leaning in closer which made my heart beat faster and made me lean back on the headboard. His hot breath ghosting on the skin of my cheeks and lips.

"Sugar doll, what if I make your wet dream come true?", he whispered, as his hot breath hit my bared neck while his finger traced my arm while sending shivers down to my spine.

My voice stuck in my throats at his words, he is indeed a pervert. In no second he bang his hand on the head board drawing my attention back on his face, "Don't doze out while I am talking."

His voice deep and husky, he lean in. His lips almost touching my lips but they stayed nano meters apart making me frustrated sexually, is he trying to tease me like this?

"Do you love me?", he asked, while he moved his lips they touched mine making my heart race faster then the speed of light. The whole room is filled up with the sound of my heart beating.

"I...I love you, Jeon.", I said lowering my gaze trying to hide my crimeson cheeks from me, he let out a dark chuckle before his arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his body.

"You look hot in my shirt.", I looked up at his face in confusion and then looked up at myself, I found myself in his white shirt which looks really hot on me.

I still can feel his gaze burning on me which is making me feel naked. His lips still really nearer to mine but still not touching mine. If he is teasing me to make me a pervert, I will become.

I garb his collar pulling him attracting out lips together as his lips formed a satisfied smirk on my lips. He slowly sucked my lower lips and then his tounge rub against my lips asking for entrence.

I parted my lips and he slide his tounge inside my mouth exploring the smallest corner of my mouth, his tounge sending weird sensation making my stomach flip. He parted from the kiss and pulled me on his laps, my legs wrapped around his torso.

His fingers opened the button of my shirt and he slide it down from my shoulder and his mouth attaching to my neck sucking on my skin making me moan in both pleasure and pain.

His mouth continued its action untile someone knocked on the door making him groan in frustration, he pulled away from my neck and peck my lips buttoning up the shirt again.

"Let's continue at home.", he whispered huskily near my ear, my words is stuck in my throats so I just nodded.

Wait... Why did I just nodded? I know what he mean. I mentally slapped myself harder then ever, he winked at me and walks towards the door and open it.

"Hey, guys come down.", Jimin said smiling when the last night incident hit me, I took a pillow and threw it on his face making him look at me fully frustrated.

"What?", he groaned, i quickly stand up and took pillow in my hands again and hit him harder, "You're the one who made me drunk, you said you're going to handle me if I messed up."

"Wait. You just run away from my sight.", he tried to explain but I continued to hit him, he run and I was about to run behind him when Jungkook pulled me from behind wrapping his both hands around my waist.

"What?", I asked frustrated, he pointed down on my clothes and it heat up again, "Do you want everyone to see you in this?"

I blink few times and free myself from him, I grab a dress from the wodrobe and went to take shower, this guy sound so possessive.

Author's Note:

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