Chapter 34

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As Jungkook was trying to exercise through boxing, Seokjin went inside the gym.

"Kookie, I was looking for you. Remember, the doctor said you should rest but here you are doing some strenuous exercises." Jin said with a pout.

It was almost 2 weeks after their encounter with the white tigers and they were asked to stay in Busan. Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok had to request for online classes and of course Heechul had to make it work.

They are currently staying in one of the mansions of the Kims in Busan, guarded by some of Heehul's men for the meantime.

"Jinnie, the doctor also said I can do some exercises." Jungkook said as he started removing his gloves. He knows if he won't stop, Seokjin will just be mad at him and he can't afford a mad Jinnie. Although, it's cute and adorable, it's also unstoppable and scary.

"Not this kind. I asked the doctor if what is the best exercise and he said running and walking should do. Cardio exercised for now. He said these exercises won't stretch your muscles a lot." Seokjin said and Jungkook just nodded. Seokjin knows that Jungkook jogs every morning anyway so that should be enough. "I also researched for other Cardio exercises and found that having sex is also one."

Jungkook choked on his breath upon hearing that. He was not touching himself despite of any temptation to and he never touched Seokjin in any way. Seokjin who kept on saying these things made him imagine things he should not and made him instantly hard.

"Jinnie, we've talked about this." Jungkook said with closed fist trying not to be tempted by Seokjin.

"I know but I looked at the condoms hal-abeoji sent and some will expire in 3 years time! How and when will we be able to use them? What if they expires? Then we'll have to buy again. Don't you think we're just wasting money?" Seokjin asked.

Jungkook was surprised when the package arrived 3 days ago. It was a big box filled with condoms and flavored lubes. He did not know that the old Kim will really give those to his grandson.

"Jinnie, it's not something we should do just because we want to. There's a perfect time for that." Jungkook said as he took his towel from the chair beside Jin and wiped his sweat.

He saw Seokjin pouting but never really paid attention to it. Seokjin is still a brat and will try to get what he wants from Jungkook, but he should not be tempted.

"Yoongi and Hoseok get what they want but how come I can't?" He said.

"Baby, they are not you. Don't compare." Jungkook said trying to calm him down.

"I know! But that does not makes sense. I also want to have sex with my boyfriend! I want to experience having sex with you but you always decline. I will just use my toys instead."

Seokjin suddenly stood up and left him in the gym, just like the usual. Jungkook heard this multiple times but decided not to pay attention to it because Seokjin always say that but never really tried it.


After taking a shower, Jungkook decided to visit Seokjin. He is sure that his boyfriend was having some tantrums right now.

He was about to open Seokjin's door when he heard him... he heard him moaning. He was sure it was a moan. He opened it slightly to see what Seokjin was doing but was dumbfounded when he found his baby working with his toys.


Seokjin, on his four, tried inserting a small dildo inside his hole. Jungkook can hear the dildo vibrating which made Seokjin moan because of the vibration. Jungkook instantly got hard seeing what his baby boyfriend is doing.

"Fuck me!" He muttered to himself in a whisper as he saw his cock getting harder than usual.

He started palming himself while watching Seokjin pleasuring himself. He closed the door silently, and locking it. Making sure that Seokjin won't notice as he is in his own world. He does not want anyone to also see or hear his baby that is why he decided to message everyone to make sure that no one will be on their floor.

He watched as Seokjin slowly inserted the dildo in his hole, with slight challenge, even though the dildo is just small. Seokjin's virgin hole is just too small for it and that made Jungkook harder.

"Ahhhh... Kookie..." Seokjin moaned to his pillows as he inserted it inside him, making Jungkook feel the voice in his cock. Suddenly, he put out his cock from his sweatpants and started stroking himself.

Jungkook thought he can cum just by seeing Seokjin pleasuring himself because his cock is aching hard as of the moment.

When Jin inserted the whole dildo inside his hole, he screamed Jungkook's name louder.

Jungkook was not able to take it anymore, so he went near Seokjin's bed to get a better view of what is happening. Seokjin just kept on moaning his name as he felt the dildo pleasuring his inside. Seokjin was lost in the moment when Jungkook decided it's enough playing games.

"My cock is bigger than that, Jinnie." He said looking straight at Seokjin.

Seokjin's eyes widened upon hearing the voice and when he looked, he saw Jungkook on the bed side watching him with his cock desperately wanting to come out of his sweatpants.

"Kookie..." he said pleadingly, hoping to get some release and pleasure.

"You want me to help you, Jinnie?" Jungkook asked and Seokjin nodded eagerly.

Jungkook removed his shirt as he was feeling the heat inside his body. He sat on the bed and looked at Seokjin. He raised Seokjin's face as he kissed him passionately while making his way, below him so that he can position himself properly.

"You're a naughty boy." Jungkook said as he held the dildo that was inserted inside Seokjin's hole.

Seokjin removed his hands from it and held on Jungkook's shoulder instead.

He moaned when Jungkook started pulling it out from him but shouted so loud when he suddenly inserted it.

Seeing Seokjin's innocent face made Jungkook's cock harder but this is not about him right now. He wants to pleasure his baby and that's exactly what he is doing as he started moving the dildo in and out of Seokjin in a slow pace.

"Ahhhhh! Kookie!!!!! Ahhhhmmmmm.." Seokjin kept on moaning feeling the pain and pleasure inside his hole as the dildo kept on touching his walls.

"Jinnie, tell me how much you like it." Jungkook said.

Jungkook started thrusting the dildo with a quicker speed inside Seokjin's hole when the latter was not answering.

"L---like it--- a lot... hnmmppphhhh... y-yessss. Kookie... please..." Seokjin said. "H-hurts---tummy..."

Jungkook smirked and quickened his pace and increased the vibration of the dildo.

He saw Jin's cock slowly twitching, meaning he is near his release so he let him feel all the pleasure as he looked at his debauched face in front of him.

"Ahhhhhhggggg... mmmmmph... Kookie!" When Seokjin suddenly shouted his name, spurts of cum were exploded on Jungkook's chest.

Without stopping, Jungkook kissed Seokjin eagerly as he tried to hold back himself from touching Seokjin. By the looks of it, it's Seokjin's first orgasm and he does not want to scare his boyfriend.

While still his cock was still exploding his cum on Jungkook's chest and stomach, Seokjin dropped his body on Jungkook. Feeling the exhaustion from his first orgasm.

Jungkook slowly pulled out the dildo from Seokjin's hole and kissed the latter's head even when he feels the stickiness between them. He does not want to disturb Seokjin as he rested on top of him, even though his cock is aching so bad, wanting to be touched.

"Rest for a while, baby." He said brushing Seokjin's hair.

Out of tiredness, Seokjin fell asleep right away on top of Jungkook.

Let's see what more toys Jungkook will use in the future. 🤔

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now