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The first thing I hear this morning is my mother running down the hall, and my phone is blowing up with texts and calls from the royal guard.
"Its my one of my few days off, and I can't even sleep in! Man my father needs to get some better guards around here. Or at least a back-up captain. Let me guess, I'm needed because there was some boring dispute between the civilians in the village. If they're going to get me up early on my day off, I at least need a better adventure, a thrill, something... exciting!" I mumble to myself in my stupid makeup, walk in closet, frills, and dresses filled room. I mean, yes I am the princess, but that role isn't exactly my favorite. I much prefer to be the captain of the royal guard than do princess lessons. Ever since I was five I wanted to be a part of the royal guard, so once I hit 12 years old, my father let me start my training, and well now, I'm the captain of the royal guard, and the princess of the kingdom of Kiaso.

"Arora, get up darling. Your father needs to talk to you about another mission or something of the sorts." Stated my mother, while walking into my room, to open up the curtains, and make sure I actually got up.
"Yes, mother. I just wish I had one day to actually rest though!" I said getting out of bed to get ready for the day.

"Its your fault you decided to join the guard! You could've done what I prefer, and sticked to princess lessons. Become a real lady."

"Yes, yes. I know how you feel about it all, but I have my own choice as to what I do with my life, and well, while the guard life isn't entirely favorable, its much better than constantly playing the roll of the princess." After that, my mother gave me a look of disgust. Not entirely disgust though. Deep down somewhere I can tell there is a look of care and concern for me. Its just under a lot of hatred she has for me because of the decisions I've made about my life.
After I got dressed in my usual uniform - deep plum purple jacket, and khaki pants, with black cargo boots, and a brown belt to hold my sword - brushed my messy blond hair, ate breakfast, and brushed my teeth, I went to my fathers study to talk to him about the mission that was just so urgent that I couldn't sleep in for just an extra hour even.

"Good morning Arora. I assume you received all the many texts and phone calls from the other men? And I'll assume once more that you didn't look at any of them, you just know you're needed?" My father said, with an attitude and sass in his voice. I love the old man, but man, he really does have an attitude. Worse than some teenagers!
"Yes, I saw the texts and calls, and yes to your other assumption that I didn't bother to look at them, because I knew you'd tell me again the same thing that they were contacting me about. So, what exactly are we looking at here that you need to send my out for? A bear is killing people? There is a major dispute between the civilians? Some other boring sort of mission? Or do we finally have something more exciting around here?"

"I do not appreciate your attitude young lady! Yes, things aren't entirely thrilling here, but you knew that when you signed up for the guard. As for the issue - all we know is that people are going missing, and we are losing precious jewels as well. The other men suspect that it is some sort of creature or creatures taking the people and the jewels." My father replied.

"This is as exciting as things are? Seriously?"

"Arora, I love you dearly, and I understand that you want excitement on your missions, however, I think its best we tone down on some of the exciting things, and leave that to the other men. At least for now."


That's it for now! The next part should be up likely by tomorrow or before that!

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