The family legacy

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A long time ago in a kingdom far away there lived a young troll named Branch. He was the youngest of five brothers and he is a part of a prestigious family of trolls who became musketeers who have sworn to protect the royal family from any threat. He hopes to be the latest member to follow in those footsteps especially after his eldest brother John Dory had to have an early retirement because of an injury causing a permanent limp. And today is his chance as there is a tournament to recruit new musketeers to help protect the royal family as Queen Viva's coronation is coming up 

Branch: *practicing his sword fighting skills on a training dummy* 

Floyd: hey Branch I see your practicing your sword fighting skills again this week 

Branch: yes because Captain Brick is holding a tournament to recruit new musketeers 

Floyd: if you do become a musketeer I will miss you 

Branch: don't worry Floyd I will make sure to visit you whenever I can 

Floyd: I know and I also want you to be safe in the tournament 

Branch: don't worry I will 

Then Branch goes to his room to pack up his stuff for the tournament and he takes a drawing of grandma with him and when he preparing to leave he sees three of his older brothers 

Bruce: aww Branch you look so grown up 

Branch: thanks Bruce 

Floyd: it's going to feel weird to not hear you training in the sparring room 

Bruce: and make sure you tell Clay that we said hi and that we will be there for the coronation 

Branch: ok

John Dory: and Bitty B before you go I want you to have this 

He then gives Branch a locket with of their grandma inside someone he was close to when he was a kid but she didn't get to live to see this moment 

Branch: thank you John Dory I wish she was here to see this 🥹

John Dory: she would have been proud of you Branch

Then Branch got on his horse and headed off to the tournament to achieve his dream and make his family proud of him for becoming the latest member of the family to become a musketeer 

Branch and the 5 MusketeersWhere stories live. Discover now