Chapter 1: The discovery

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April 13, 4pm Jane Clarkson [Main protagonist, 29, female, Pathologist] follows her usual routine and goes to the autopsy chamber, however, this case wasn't what she was normally familiar with, it was a beautiful young blonde woman, probably in her mid 20's, her green eyes, glassy yet charming, Jane asked the officer who brought in the body several questions, she found out that the victim's body was discovered by a river shore by a jogger.
The Officer, [ Jacob Thompson, 29 male, Jane's childhood bestfriend, main protagonist] said, " it's a pity she died, She must've been a trafficking victim, she's not from the city." Jane replied "From the looks of it, I think you're right." Jacob continued " What monster would have done this, she's covered in scratches, bruises, scars the only untouched part is her face." Jane replied, "Humans Jacob, they did it, haven't you heard of the saying, "there are no devils in hell and they're all here" it's so sad she had to go through all that."
"Wise words indeed Jane. If only we could find more information..."
Jacob's partner enters, Christian [ Christian Clarkson, Main protagonist, 27, Male, Jane's younger brother] "Guys I just got some more stuff that you might want to check out"
Christian puts the materials on the table, "A visa, a dead cellphone, an appointment ticket and a purse, she wasn't from around here." "So, from what we have, she's a young foreigner who came here for an appointment." Jane inquired, "There's still little information in those...what can we do with that ?" Jacob puts on a pair of gloves and picks up the visa and it read,
"Type: Economy Class Business Visa
Visa Holder: Amelia Greenbrier
Age: 25
Employer: Horizon Enterprises
Passport Number: ABC243615
Validity Dates: 01/01/2022 - 04/03/2024
Number of Entries: Multiple
Duration of Stay: Up to 90 days per entry
Remarks: Authorized for business activities only, including meetings, conferences, and consultations. Not permitted for employment or study purposes. Must report to local authorities upon arrival in Sapphire City."
"From what we got, she's a foreign accountant." Jacob added, " and it seems like she traveled for business meetings alot." Christian replied, "She came here for another appointment." As he takes out an appointment letter from the purse. "We should inform hq and locate this place." Said Christian. Jacob said to Jane," Stephanie [ Stephanie Andersson, 30, Forensic scienctist ] should be here in an hour or 2, till then could you start by cleaning the body first ?" Jane replied," Of course, I'll get right to it.
Jacob and Christian informed HQ and went to investigate the location in the appointment letter. And Jane collects any bio-materials Stephanie could use and begins to clean the body proceeding with the regular procedure. As she's cleaning the body, she talks to the dead body, pitying her, admiring her beauty; saying things like "even though you're dead, your beauty still glows like a radiant sun." Jane turns the body over so she could clean her back, when she noticed something peculiar, a pentagram sign. "Is this some kind of cult ? Something about it, it's so brings back unwanted memories sigh*. Maybe it could be... No, There's no chance." As she finishes up the cleaning, she starts studying the body for any external wounds. The longer she studies the body, the more wounds she discovers and with each discovery her heart sinks, knowing how horrifying it must've been for the young woman. She talks to the woman saying, "We'll find the Monster who did this to you, I don't know what monster could've done this but we will find him... If you were mine, I'd take care of you like a queen." She says to the dead beauty. While studying the body she gets this feeling, an intuition that someone or something is watching. She looks back, nothing there, she tends back to the body when she hears something in the distance, her heart starts racing she swore she saw something from the corner of her eye. Stephanie comes in and startles Jane. " What's the matter Jane you're sweating alot ?" Stephanie asked. "Woah ! You scared me there." Jane replied. "You always fall for my tricks don't you ?" Stephanie replied. They both laughed it off and proceeded with the autopsy. "Here are some materials you could probably use. Oh and there's this weird sign on her back.."Jane said while giving Stephanie some ziplock bags filled with samples from earlier and she turns the body over to show Stephanie the sign. "Thanks Jane, if we're lucky we might find the Culprit's DNA in these evidences. Isn't that a pentagram ? Could it be a terrorist group ?" Stephanie said with confusion visible on her face. "I don't know either." Jane said, Stephanie replied, " We should leave this to the officers." And with that they went back to collecting every scrap of evidence they could find and time ticked by fast. By 10:20 pm they finished their job.
They laid down all the evidence they had and noted down each one of them.
[ EVIDENCE FOUND: 5 Hair strands, Male DNA, small amount of skin cells,
Ligature marks, anesthesia found in blood stream. ]
They send the evidence to HQ and get ready to return home. "See you tomorrow Stephanie." Jane said as she went to the parking lot. "Bye Jane" Stephanie replied

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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